Chapter 1722

The two decided to find a sect to play with first, then they would go directly to inquire.

After inquiring for a long time, I know that the sect called Aotian seems to have a high status in the ASEAN mainland.

But despite this, the sects in this continent still need checks and balances, so there are five major sects. These five major sects are of equal status and strength. After having the five major sects, he became the head of the five sects.

At the same time, there are many families on this continent, and the four countries occupy one side in each of the four countries.

Among them, the poorest and most difficult should belong to the Northern Kingdom.

The terrain of the northern country is steep, and three seasons of the year are spent in the cold, which leads to the scarcity of crops.

Beiguo had to hunt and kill monsters for food, so it survived with difficulty.

The Northland is a country that no one wants to go to. It is full of cold, poverty, and hunger.

From time to time, people from the Northern Kingdom would invade the borders of other countries. It was because they were too hungry to rob the people of their food. This robbery angered the Eastern Kingdom, and the war between the Eastern Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom was on the verge of breaking out!
Because Dongguo's living environment is very good, the land is fertile, and he has already lived a life of enjoyment. Naturally, his combat capability is not as strong as Dongguo's. Therefore, Dongguo lost several cities one after another.

These cities are not so difficult to break into, but in the hands of the people of the North, these cities with fertile land are the lifeblood of the North, and they will not let them go!
In the end, Dongguo could only escape in desperation. With these cities, the life of the people in Beiguo has improved a lot.

When the people from the other two countries heard that Beiguo won the land and did not come to disturb them, they felt relieved. After all, those who were afraid of death were not afraid of death, and those who were not afraid of death were afraid of violence.

Now the four countries are still living in peace.

After reading this history book, Ye Rumu thought wistfully that in the beginning, the Northern Kingdom only fought to seize the city because they could not afford food or clothing, but now that their lives are better and they have tasted the sweetness, they will stop like this ?
Obviously... no!

Not only won't stop, but will do more!
After Ye Rumu finished reading the affairs of the country, he briefly looked at the major sects and families.

It was finalized, "Let's go to the Aotian Sect."

I have seen people from this sect before.

After hearing this, Baili Yao smiled and said, "People from this sect may not welcome us."

Ye Rumu didn't care, "It doesn't matter if he welcomes you or not! If you don't welcome us, why don't we give the Aotian Sect to us?"

Take a look at how it is the first sect!

"It's really unlucky that this Aotian sect is being targeted by you! This will take over the entire sect!" Lingzhi felt wronged for him when he thought of the Aotian sect.

He was being targeted by someone, and he didn't know what was going on, so he was almost about to be given the whole thing.

"Will I do the things of this family's sect?" Ye Rumu rolled his eyes, and then said: "If I want to do it, I will let you do it!"

Ganoderma lucidum: "..." I'm really wronged!
To enslave people is not so enslaving!

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao found the location of the Aotian Sect all the way. The two sat on the backs of Ganoderma lucidum. They were already ostentatious, and with the matter of the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, basically everyone knew who these two were. !
(End of this chapter)

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