Chapter 1723

Powerful characters who suddenly appeared in the ASEAN continent!

Can practice spiritual power.

As long as it is said to be able to cultivate spiritual power, people in the ASEAN mainland will know that these two people cannot be from the ASEAN mainland!

No, countless forces in the ASEAN continent began to play against these two people.

This man and woman are so powerful, and there are flying monsters, maybe even higher-level beasts, getting them is a big help!

Of course, some people speculated that their sudden appearance in the ASEAN continent was premeditated or something, but they are so powerful that they can deal with you in minutes, but they have not made any moves so far. How could it be premeditated?

So, this one was overturned immediately.

But why did these two come to the ASEAN continent?Did you mean you wanted to come and play?

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao landed at the gate of Aotian Sect, looking at the old but still majestic plaque, with the two big characters of Aotian written on it.


What kind of pride and mood did the person who came up with this name dare to use such an arrogant word?
When the two arrived, the Aotian Sect people immediately got the news and ran out one after another. Those who saw Ye Rumu and Baili Yao that day recognized them at a glance!

Ling Shun, as a senior brother, naturally asked about Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's reasons.

"May I ask why you two came to me?" Ling Shun asked politely after knowing the abilities of these two people.

Even though Ye Rumu and Baili Yao are powerful and powerful in the eyes of people in this world, there is no humble respect in Ling Shun's eyes.

"You also know that we practice spiritual power. Now I want to stay in the ASEAN continent for a while and learn martial arts. I wonder if your sect accepts disciples?" Ye Rumu asked straight to the point.

Even though he knew that these two people might not be from the ASEAN mainland, seeing Ye Rumu say it so lightly, Ling Shun still felt a little surprised.

He was even more shocked when he heard that the two actually wanted to learn martial arts!
"Why do you want to practice martial arts? It's obvious that your spiritual power is already very strong. If you use it half-heartedly, your cultivation will stagnate." It's not that Ling Shun doesn't want others to learn it, but just wants to remind you.

"You don't have to worry about us. The aura in the ASEAN continent is so thin that it's not suitable for us to cultivate. You just need to tell us whether we can learn martial arts in Aotian. If not, we will choose another high place." Baili Yao said coldly.

Since the lady wants to study here, he naturally has to say something to fight for it.

"Two people, please come in!" Ling Shun thought for a while, but he didn't agree, but let the two go in first.

Even if he is a senior brother, he doesn't dare to mention the suzerain to make a decision!

Of course, if there are elders who have taken a fancy to them and want to stay, it is also possible.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao didn't insist on staying here, they also wanted to go in and see what the Aotian Sect was like and whether it was suitable for them to stay.

He took the two of them to the place where they were entertaining guests, asked them to pour tea, and asked them to wait for a while, then Ling Shun immediately headed towards the main peak of the suzerain.

At the same time, people were asked to call a few elders to come over.

The suzerain and the elders are no strangers to Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, two powerful figures who suddenly appeared.

This time I heard that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao actually came to the Aotian Sect,
(End of this chapter)

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