Chapter 1724

Immediately ran to the main peak of the suzerain in a hurry.

The suzerain swept his eyes, and the elders immediately returned to their inscrutable looks, and each sat down in their seats, as if the frizzy people just now were not them.

"I believe you have also heard that those two great powers are here! What do you think we should do?" The suzerain frowned lightly. He could not believe ordinary people who could subdue the entire Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts!

"Shun'er, tell me why these two came here first?" The Great Elder looked at Ling Shun, and he could only deal with it if he knew the reason!

"Yes, Master!" Ling Shun cupped his hands towards the Great Elder, and then said: "They said that it is because the ASEAN mainland has no aura to provide them with cultivation, so they want to come to our Aotian Sect to practice martial arts!"

" able to cultivate both spirit and martial arts?" The second elder asked in surprise when he heard this.

The suzerain shook his head, "I don't know, since they are powerful from other places, will it be... okay?"

After all, no one in the ASEAN mainland knows how to cultivate spiritual power, so who knows if spiritual and martial arts can be dually cultivated?

They only vaguely know that there are other places in this world where they can practice, but they are not very clear about what to practice.

"Since people want to come to practice martial arts, let them come." The third elder said carelessly, among the several elders, he was the most unreliable!

"In case they have any conspiracy..." the Fourth Elder said worriedly.

"According to their abilities, how can there be any conspiracy?" The third elder took the fourth elder's words with disdain.

"What if they are invited by other forces from other continents? The purpose is to serve as undercover agents in our Aotian Sect. The Aotian Sect has existed for too long, and now, it is the most unbearable experience." When you are tossing." The second elder sighed and looked at the suzerain, "Sect master, what are you planning?"

"I plan to let them stay. If they want to learn martial arts, they can learn it. If they are worried that they will be sent by others, they can just guard against it." The suzerain was thoughtful, and he already had a plan in his heart.

"The suzerain promised to let them stay?" Ling Shun raised his head in surprise, and after thinking about it, there was nothing to be surprised about. The two of them looked so young and had already achieved such achievements, so they must not be mortals!

Ling Shun knew that when a person who cultivated spiritual power reached a certain level, his face would freeze and would not change. Even if he was too old, his hair would only be gray. Ling Shun thought, could they be Such?
"Well, bring them here to show this sect!" The suzerain nodded with an inscrutable expression on his face.

Elders, you look at me, I look at you, they also want to meet these two people, so they didn't speak.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao came quickly, they used their spiritual power to fly up without Yujian!

Seeing that they could easily fly up without using any props, the suzerain and the elders finally confirmed that these two people are cultivating spiritual power!

Only the legendary spiritual power can do it!

When Ye Rumu and Baili Yao arrived, the suzerain asked them to sit down and asked the question Ling Shun had asked, "I don't know why you must stay in the Aotian sect, young lady and son? Judging by the appearance of the two, they should be spiritual practitioners. Why do you need to practice martial arts? Spiritual cultivation and martial arts, I am afraid they cannot coexist, not to mention, if you want to leave in the future, will you still practice martial arts?"

(End of this chapter)

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