Chapter 1734

"Among the more outstanding disciples we have known so far, they are considered to be at the upper-middle level. However, each family will have one or two trump cards, such as you, which are our trump cards. Ling Shun has been exposed to the public early on. Others The forces will definitely have tricks to guard against Ling Shun, but you, in the eyes of the public, are strangers."

Baili Yao nodded, he understood that the Great Elder had put his hopes on them.

"I haven't seen you in half a year. I don't know what your level is now?" the Great Elder asked suspiciously.

Just as Baili Yao was about to answer, Ye Rumu pulled her, and Ye Rumu said to the elder with a smile: "You will know when the competition is final."

"Hahaha, seeing you guys have such confidence in me, I'm relieved!" The Great Elder looked at the two of them with satisfaction.

Some disciples felt uncomfortable when they saw that the Great Elder put his hope on Ye Rumu, and was so close to Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, and seemed to trust them completely.

They don't know the strength of these two people who suddenly appeared, and some of them don't even know their identities, so they will definitely feel upset in their hearts!
The Aotian Sect is very big and has many disciples. When they came, some were performing missions outside, and some had not yet joined the Aotian Sect.

But in front of the Great Elder, no one dared to say anything.

However, there are also bold ones who propose to compete with Baili Yao!
Baili Yao glanced at the disciple indifferently, "You can't beat me."

That disciple's face was green and purple, and before he started beating him, he just said that he couldn't beat him?Are you overconfident?
Because of this sentence, the disciple's opinion of Baili Yao is even greater!

However, he wouldn't just give up like this, "I haven't fought before, how do I know I can't beat it? Besides, even if I lose, it's nothing, it's just a competition!"

"If you fight with me, you won't be able to participate in the big competition." Baili Yao looked at the disciple with some puzzlement, why did he have to compete with himself?

"Why?" At this moment, the disciple was completely angry. Did he want to use his status as a nominal elder to threaten him and prevent him from participating in the competition?

The Great Elder shook his head. Although he didn't understand what Baili Yao meant, he understood what this disciple meant. He must compete with Baili Yao!
"Since you want to compete so much, let's do it." Baili Yao said coldly without saying anything.

The disciple snorted coldly and walked out of the team.

A group of people automatically avoided to the side, leaving space for them.

Ye Rumu shook his head helplessly, why did he take advantage of this moment to commit suicide?
Even if you dissatisfy them, you have to show it when the competition is over, right?
However, Ye Rumu forgot that if the competition is over, those who are dissatisfied with them will not dare to show it.

"Let's start!" As soon as the disciple finished speaking, he attacked Baili Yao!
Because martial arts is tantamount to the combination of force and martial arts, you must fight in close quarters!

Baili Yao didn't want to get entangled with the disciple, raised his hand and waved lightly, the disciple's body floated away like a fallen leaf.

Everyone: "..."

The disciple fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Baili Yao in disbelief, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"Elder Baili, even if you are not satisfied with Ah Chen's provocation, you shouldn't hurt him like this, right?

(End of this chapter)

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