Chapter 1735

This is vomiting blood... I don't know if I can participate in the next competition.Elder Baili, this competition represents the future for Ah Chen! "Someone spoke up for Ah Chen indignantly.

"As I said just now, if you fight with me, you won't be able to participate in the competition. What's more, I only used [-]% of my spiritual power. Is it possible that you want me to fight him empty-handed?" Baili Yao said lightly. , so that some people who still wanted to speak for Ah Chen turned red and shut up.

This took a lot of effort!Ah Chen has become like this, besides, Baili Yao did say before that if you fight with him, you will not be able to participate in the competition. More importantly, this time the competition was brought up by Ah Chen!
Ye Rumu came out and said with a light smile, "You are still too young."

"Even if you have opinions on a person and don't like him, but before you know the strength and details of others, you should be very angry and jealous, otherwise, you will always be the ones who suffer." Ye Rumu said helplessly. Shaking her head, once upon a time, like these disciples, she couldn't understand others, and wanted to compete with them without shame. In the end, she lost completely, and she had no chance to find a place to drill.

And the only person who took the initiative to challenge himself and won was Baili Yao!

Perhaps from that time on, their fate began.

The disciples were ashamed and looked at Ah Chen. Even though they knew that as long as there were pills, Ah Chen could be cured, but the alchemists in the ASEAN mainland had long been extinct!
Because of the ASEAN environment, human beings' spiritual power is getting weaker and weaker, and in the end they are unable to make alchemy. The apprentices and descendants of those alchemists are now nothing but pharmacists.

Ye Rumu squatted down in front of Ah Chen, "It's normal for young people to be impatient, but I hope you can learn some truths after this lesson. Well, I won't talk about you anymore. I'm asking you, do you still want to talk about it?" Are you going to participate in the contest?"

Ah Chen's eyes were pure, looking at Ye Rumu, and listening to Ye Rumu's words, Ah Chen's heart was extremely calm, and now hearing Ye Rumu's question, Ah Chen nodded without thinking, Seriously said: "Elder Ye, I really want to participate in the competition...but I..."

Although he had recovered, Ah Chen felt that his spleen was extremely painful.

Ye Rumu didn't say anything more, turned his palm over, and a pill appeared in his hand.

None of these young disciples had ever seen the elixir, but when they saw the lines on the elixir and the smell of the medicine, they all guessed that it was the elixir!
But not sure.

"Nuo, this is the Great Returning Pill of the fifth rank. After taking it, you are guaranteed to recover as before, alive and kicking." Looking at Ah Chen's dazed face, Ye Rumu frowned, and continued: "I don't know where you are. How can you comment on the level of the elixir, but well, the effect of this elixir is not bad, so eat it quickly."

"Fifth, fifth grade..." Ah Chen was still in a daze, looking at Ye Rumu's hand whether he dared to accept it or not.

God!Isn't he dreaming?

Not to mention Ah Chen, even the others were scared to death!

Five-grade medicinal herbs!

"Oh, it turns out that the ASEAN mainland also judges the pills based on their grades." Ye Rumu was suddenly stunned, and stuffed the pills into Ah Chen's hands.

Turning around, everyone was staring at the elixir in Ah Chen's hand, wishing they could pounce on it and snatch it.
(End of this chapter)

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