Chapter 1781

At this time, in the entire Aotian Sect, except for Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, everyone else is in urgent retreat.

No one knew that someone had come to the Aotian Sect, until someone touched the barrier, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, both of them had clear eyes.

I'm afraid that the people in Ximeng mainland can't sit still.

Whether it's to win over the two of them, or to test the Aotian Sect, it's time to come.

When the two walked side by side to the barrier, the people outside who had ugly faces suddenly returned to normal when they saw them. After all, the biggest purpose of their coming was to see these two people.

Not many people came from outside, only about 30 or so. At this time, they looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao vigilantly, for fear that they might have some kind of conspiracy.

"Aren't you two going to invite us in?" The man standing at the front recognized the identities of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao based on the description.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had cold faces, indifferent to the man's words.

The man frowned, thinking that he couldn't get in now, it must be because of the enchantment!

"I'm the third young master of the Zhou family in Northern Continent, Zhou Jin." Seeing that the two of them didn't respond, Zhou Jin felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, thinking to herself, as the third young master of the Zhou family, when has he ever been so humble?
But only from this enchantment, he knew the strength of the two people on the opposite side. In order not to make them angry, he lowered his posture as much as possible.

Only then did Ye Rumu speak, "Are you here for something?"

Zhou Jin held back her anger, and said as calmly as possible: "I'm here because I want to talk to you two."

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Talk to us? We don't know the Northern Continent Zhou family, let alone you, why should we talk to you?"

Zhou Jin laughed lowly, "You just came to the Western League Continent, so you definitely don't know, don't understand, don't know about the big forces in the Western League Continent. However, I can tell you about the situation of our Zhou family. The Western League Continent has There are five divisions, Eastern Continent, Western Continent, Northern Continent, Southern Continent, and Central Continent, and our Zhou family has a pivotal position in the Northern Continent."

"So?" Baili Yao asked casually.

Ye Rumu is outstanding, but the man next to her is even more outstanding. Hearing that he finally spoke, Zhou Jin couldn't help but glance at him, and then said with a smile: "I came here to invite you to be guest servants in our Zhou family."

"The Proud Sky Sect is just a low-level sect that has just returned to the Western Union Continent. Maybe it will be buried in the muddy sewage of the Western Union Continent again at some point, and you two, I have already heard about the big competition. I said it. A genius who cultivates both spirit and martial arts is worthy of the best resources, and my Zhou family will definitely contribute the best resources to make you grow faster."

The Zhou family looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, and heard that the two of them discovered that they could practice martial arts not long ago, and they had lived in seclusion before, so they didn't know everyone outside.

So in Zhou Jin's view, these two people must have been deceived by Aotian, so they followed Aotian!
But in fact, according to the talents of the two of them who have only practiced for a short time and are already at the peak of great warriors, according to the level of the Western Union Continent, it is impossible to create a elixir to help them!
However, Zhou Jin decided to compensate them in terms of wealth. Anyway, they don't know what pills are effective for them, so just give them some at that time?
(End of this chapter)

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