Chapter 1782

"Oh? What good resources do you have for us?" Baili Yao asked blankly.

Seeing that Baili Yao spoke, Ye Rumu simply watched the fun from the sidelines.

When Zhou Jin heard it, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly said all the speeches she had prepared a long time ago.

I thought happily in my heart, but I just came from the ASEAN mainland, and I must have seen nothing good.

What the Zhou family gave was just a little better treatment than the ordinary guests, but it wasn't really that good.

But they thought that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao had shallow eyes and would not understand.

"Just these things, and you still want us to be your guest?" Baili Yao said sarcastically before he finished listening.

Zhou Jin frowned, "What are these things? You should know that this is the best treatment our Zhou family has given!"

"Oh, then you really bothered." Baili Yao remained expressionless, unable to tell whether he was willing or not.

Zhou Jin looked at Ye Rumu again, but Ye Rumu had nothing to do with him, leaning on a tree leisurely, standing upright!This is an evaluation that subconsciously emerged in Zhou Jin's mind.

"If you came to the Zhou family and made credit, you will be rewarded with other things." Zhou Jin had a condescending expression on her face. I don't know how many people are fawning on the Zhou family and want to be guests!

"Zhou!? You bastard, you came here early!"

A rough and heroic voice came from a distance, making Zhou Jin tremble all over!
Then he frowned slightly, why did this person come here?

It didn't take long for the speaker to appear in front of everyone out of thin air, striding towards Baili Yao.

The one who can please the surname Zhou must be the goal of this visit.

"Mr. Baili, hello. This is Ximenhan from the Ximen family in the Eastern Continent. I believe that with Mr. Baili's intelligence, he already knows the purpose of my visit! Mr. Baili, I promise that the conditions I will give will be better than Zhou's." The family is good, and our Ximen family values ​​friendship, so when you come, we will definitely treat you as a member of the Ximen family." As soon as Ximen Han arrived, he couldn't wait to speak.

Zhou Jin's face darkened. What does it mean that the conditions given are better than those of the Zhou family? His Ximen family values ​​friendship, so does his Zhou family not value friendship?

"Ximen Han! You came here on purpose to tear things down! Why do you want to fight with our Zhou family? Who doesn't know that your Ximen family has long since lost its former prosperity." Zhou Jin gritted her teeth and said word by word.

"That's your fault. Didn't I just find a way to get back the prosperity of the past? With Mr. Baili here, the strength of our Ximen family can be improved to a higher level! Mr. Baili, what do you think? Huh?" Ximen Han looked at Baili Yao, as long as Baili Yao agreed, it would prove that Baili Yao would join Ximen's family.

Baili Yao calmly swept the two people who were at war outside, and said in a cold voice, "Whether it's Ximen's house or Zhou's house, I won't go."


"Are you going to guard the Aotian Sect to live?"

Zhou Jin and Ximenhan suddenly became restless. They came in person, is it enough to prove their sincerity?What else does Baili Yao want?

"You're thinking wrong, we didn't sacrifice our lives for the Aotian Sect, we are just the nominal elders of the Aotian Sect, we don't belong to any force, and we won't work for any force, so...

(End of this chapter)

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