Chapter 1788

Because on that day, they will be completely out of control, doing things they don't want to do.

When Ye Rumu and Baili Yao came to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, the young girl Yaoyao immediately appeared with a few monsters.

The husband and wife didn't show much surprise. Monster beasts can distinguish the breath of human beings. After all these years, who else can come in besides her and Baili Yao?
Yaoyao and the two chatted about the old days, and Ye Rumu asked about the beast tide.

Yaoyao sighed, and said quietly: "It is said that a long time ago, because the monsters were too powerful and endangered the survival of human beings, there was a plan to punish the monsters with a wave of beasts. Every now and then, many monsters will die..." Yaoyao said, her eyes turned red.

As a monster who was raised by a monster, the last thing he wanted was to see the monster die.

Ye Rumu patted Yaoyao on the shoulder, left some pills for Yaoyao, and then returned to the place where he and Baili Yao came to the ASEAN continent.

"That's where we fell from the sky, and then met Ling Shun and the others, do you remember?" Ye Rumu laughed.

Baili Yao nodded, "I feel it every moment in a life with you in it."

Ye Rumu's heart is warm, this man.

"Where are you going next?" Ye Rumu tilted his head to look at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu with eyes as soft as water, "You decide."

Ye Rumu glanced at the several continents he visited when he came here, "Then I closed my eyes and made a choice!"


In a cloud-shrouded fairyland canyon, a handsome man quietly looked at the woman lying on the bed.

The man's appearance does not reveal his age, but his demeanor is mature and cold, unlike the age seen from the appearance.

As for the woman on the bed, her hair was already grey. At this moment, she was quietly looking at the man beside the bed. When she was with him, she expected that he was unusual.

The woman tremblingly stretched out her hand to hold the man's hand, and whispered in a low voice: "Being with me, do you regret it?"

Although she has a spiritual root, her cultivation talent is really poor, and she has been stagnant. Therefore, her life span is only a short 300 years.

"I don't regret it." The man's low and mellow voice was hoarse, his face was calm, and even his eyes were not red.

Except for his slightly trembling hands, which showed his uneasiness, otherwise, women would think that he didn't love her.

"After I'm gone, what should you do?" The woman's face was full of reluctance, and... worry!
She left, how should he spend the rest of his life?

Hundreds of years hadn't left any marks on his face. Presumably, his cultivation was very high, so high that she couldn't forget it.

The man withdrew a very faint smile, "I will... wait for you to come back..."

"After death, is there an afterlife?" The woman's mind had already begun to trance, and she shook her head after a while, "No, don't wait for me."

It was the time when she was able to say a few more words, but after she finished speaking, she fell into a deep sleep...

Tears dripped from the corners of the man's eyes, dripping onto the back of his slender and smooth hand, and the hand he held in his palm had withered like a flower in its late stage, and it was terribly wrinkled.

After she realized that she was getting old, she always said in his ear that she was getting old and ugly, how could she be worthy of such a good-looking him...

 The end is delayed, I haven't figured out what to write

(End of this chapter)

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