Chapter 1789

Every time the man would coax softly: "One day, I will be old too."

But every time he said that, he wouldn't grow old.

This time, the woman still asked, "I'm too old to walk... You... find someone to accompany you."

"Okay." The man responded very simply this time.

The woman's body trembled, and deep regret welled up in her heart, but what about regret?She couldn't be with him anymore.

"I'm waiting for your reincarnation."

In a blur of consciousness, the corners of the woman's lips curled up slowly when she heard this sentence.

Look, even if I die, I'm not reconciled to you liking other women, so you should wait for me.

Before her consciousness completely collapsed, she thought, this man is really not simple, he said that he will wait for her reincarnation.

Before closing his eyes, something seemed to flash before his eyes, but it was so fast that people couldn't catch it...

The man hugged the woman all the time, and after knowing that she was cold all over, he shook her hand reluctantly, "The Ninth World."

I'm waiting for you.


The bustling street became even more noisy because two people appeared out of thin air.

First, they observed them one by one in horror, and found out that there were only two overly good-looking men and women, and the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Rumu glanced at it. People here are dressed in an ancient style, but they are different from the strict ancient times. The clothes worn by women here are not conservative. Compared with the 21st century... they are more bold!
People gathered around her and Baili Yao, she took a look, Baili Yao and her clothes were incompatible with the people here, they were not surprised at all!

It's just that people just talked around, and no one dared to come forward to talk to them.

It's not a good thing to be surrounded by people like monkeys. Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao, and Baili Yao just stopped looking at her, took her hand, and led her to walk outside calmly.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao, his eyes twitched, sir, are you too calm?

However, before the two of them got out of the "tight siege", a little girl with a gorgeous dress and a delicate face stood in front of her.

The little girl's hair is casually tied up in a bun that looks good but doesn't come loose easily. She is wearing a water-red skirt. The two boobs on her chest are round and ready to come out. Her fragrant shoulders are exposed. The front of the skirt just reaches her thighs, roots, and center. , with a long tail behind.

The little girl's appearance is pure and innocent. It is conceivable that she will attract the attention of men in such a dress!

The little girl deliberately puffed out her chest in front of Baili Yao.

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, thinking to herself, this girl really doesn't see anyone.

Didn't see her still around!
But it's not that she didn't see it, it's that the girl deliberately ignored it.

"Did you just come to Licheng?" The little girl blinked her eyes, looking at Baili Yao's innocent face.

This expression made the man standing next to him want to push Baili Yao aside, and shouted: Let go of that girl!let me do it!
Well, Ye Rumu was really ignored gorgeously, Baili Yao was the only one who asked.

Baili Yao frowned, and without saying anything, he pulled Ye Rumu, walked around the little girl, and was about to leave.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao with tsk tut, according to Baili Yao's character, Ye Rumu thought he would scold him coldly: Get out of the way!

But no, I didn't say a word to this little girl!
Well, in fact, it's quite... not bad to pretend that you don't even want to talk to you!

(End of this chapter)

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