Chapter 1837

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, she said why Baili Yao followed her words and changed the subject, so he was waiting for her here?
"Hey, isn't it the time to go back now? Let's talk about it after a while." Ye Rumu looked away, not really wanting to go back.

Baili Yao hugged her from behind Ye Rumu, and said softly, "Mu'er..."

Ye Rumu frowned, opened his mouth, and kept silent.

Baili Yao knew that Ye Rumu would not be able to change his mind for a while, so he stopped mentioning this matter and said, "Tell me after you think it over."

Ye Rumu responded lightly.

After that, neither of them mentioned this matter again, and the people below have been paying attention to the matter of Cang Yuan and Qing Jue. Ye Rumu had ordered that whenever something happened, it would be sent back to the labyrinth.

Qing Jue and Cang Yuan are safe and sound, Ye Rumu feels relieved.

Although Baili Yao did not return to the Yang family, the affairs of the Yang family still fall on Baili Yao's shoulders. Fortunately, Yang Lie has not retired yet, and there is not much for Baili Yao.

Even so, Baili Yao was still busy.

Ye Rumu lay on the other side of the desk, sighed and said, "Are you happy to deal with these common affairs every day?"

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows, "This is the responsibility."

Ye Rumu rolled his eyes. In the past, even if there was a Tiangong, the 33rd Heaven would not care about the world and the 29th Heaven and below.

Ke Yang's family is considered to be in the sky, No.20 Nine Heavens.

In the No.30 third heaven, it is where the Tiangong is located, and in the next 31, 32, and [-] heavens, it is the fairy house of the immortal family in Tiangong, but the fall of Tiangong makes the people above the [-]th heaven The gods have been more or less affected, of course, those gods who have continued from ancient times to the present have caused the disaster.

The following 29 heavens, the stronger the strength, the higher they can live.

The Yang family has a pivotal position in the fairy world, and occupies a vast territory in the 29th heaven, so they dare not offend easily.

In the area under the jurisdiction of the Yang family, everything big and small is managed by the Yang family, so it is not so comfortable for the family in the area under the jurisdiction of the fairy world.

As for the others, the four seas and the eight wilds, the four seas are managed by their respective water lords, the eight wilds are under the control of each wild lord, and the major races are even more entrenched in their own territory. The fairy world has formed a subtle form that is not related to each other.

The location of the maze is in the Eight Desolations, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the Eight Desolations, but has its own school.

No matter where you go, the principle of respecting martial arts will not change, because the ancestors of the Mi family are powerful, and they have the qualifications to gain a firm foothold in the fairy world.

As for the Evil Spirit Sect, they are not in the 33rd Heaven, nor are they in the world. No one knows where their real base is, but everyone knows that it must be in the Immortal World.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao. In fact, even if Baili Yao inherited the Yang family, at most he would spend less time with her, and the rest would not have much impact.

And think about it, Yang's family is Baili Yao's family, with his relatives and their son, how long has he lived?How can you be so childish...

"Let's go back to Yang's house tomorrow." Ye Rumu said softly without looking at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao was startled, stopped looking at the booklet in his hand, and put down his pen, "Mu'er, what did you just say?"

"Shall we go back to Yang's house?" Ye Rumu smiled and repeated.

(End of this chapter)

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