Chapter 1838

Baili Yao nodded calmly, but his eyes were full of smiles, which Ye Rumu hadn't seen for a long time, and he was slightly distracted, did he really do something wrong before?
Maybe it was because during this period of time, she was too concerned about Cang Yuan and Qing Jue's affairs, and forgot Baili Yao for a while. Thinking of this, Ye Rumu felt a little guilty.

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu have been husband and wife for so long, how could she not know what she was thinking, and gently touched Ye Rumu's head, "Don't feel guilty, I will feel bad."

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips raised slightly, "Then you can continue to feel distressed."

Baili Yao and Ye Rumu quarreled for a while, and Ye Rumu went back to the room to pack his things.

Tomorrow is leaving, Ye Rumu must tell Mimeng immediately.

Finding Mimeng's office and knocking on the door, Mimeng's clear and beautiful voice came from inside, "Come in."

Ye Rumu opened the door and went in, the first thing that caught his eyes was Mi Meng's haggard and anxious look.

Ye Rumu was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Could it be that the housework is too heavy?"

At this moment, she is also regretful, she has not helped her sister deal with it after coming back for so long, and now she has to leave the maze and go back to Yang's house.

Mimeng raised her head, shook her head slightly, and stroked her forehead wearily, "It's okay, it's just that there are too many things, which make me feel a little exhausted."

Ye Rumu hesitated for a moment, "Sister, start sending me some trivial matters to solve tomorrow, you just need to concentrate on dealing with some bigger things."

Mimeng laughed and said: "Where is there any important thing? In this world, there are only some trivial matters. What's more, the territory and power of our labyrinth are well managed. Compared with other places, it is relatively peaceful."

"Let me help with some trivial matters. I am also a person in the labyrinth. How can I hide behind my sister and enjoy the benefits?" Ye Rumu has been idle for a while, and she can do everything on her own. , Even if you idle for some time, you will not lose everything in your bones.

Mimeng nodded helplessly, "Okay, then I'll give you some things to deal with, but don't be too tired."

Ye Rumu knew that Mimeng's order was not because she was worried that she would take away the rights in her hands, but because she really didn't want to make her too tired.

The two sisters are not people who value power. If the unscrupulous father hadn't left, Mi Meng would not have wanted to take over. When her father came back, she would have thrown it to Mi Mi immediately!

"I don't know when dad will come back." Ye Rumu sighed.

Mimeng smiled, "What's the hurry? Are you in a hurry to hold another wedding for you? Haha, don't be too anxious, Dad will be back in just a few months."

Ye Rumu immediately stood up in shock, "Sister, how long has it been since we came back?"

Mimeng was taken aback for a moment, then put down the booklet she picked up again, "It seems like it's been a few months."

Because of the Donghai incident, I forgot about it!
Maybe it's because these few people who know the situation have lived in the mortal world for a while, and for a while they forgot the time gap in the mortal world and fairy world!

And what Baili Yao said before reminded Ye Rumu that one day in the sky and one year in the earth!
"Sister, daddy..." Ye Rumu just looked at Mimeng, Mimeng knew what Qingqian wanted to say.

Mimeng took a deep breath, "Daddy could come back in a hundred days,

(End of this chapter)

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