Chapter 1839

But now it has been five or six months, and there is no news of Daddy..."

"Could it be that something happened to your mother?" Ye Rumu frowned, it was the only reason why Mimi stopped and didn't come back on time.

Mimeng lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head to look at Ye Rumu, "Die'er, I leave the matter of the maze to you for the time being, I'll go to the cultivation world to have a look."

"Sister, let Master go with you. I don't feel relieved if you go alone." Ye Rumu said hurriedly, afraid that Mimeng would leave immediately.

Mimeng shook her head, "Dier, this is just a trivial matter, I can do it by myself, how can I bother Shangshen Jing Xing, Shangshen Jing Xing is a busy person."

After hearing this, Ye Rumu was also a little embarrassed. The unreliable master didn't know what was going on, but he never came to the maze to see the maze!

"Then I'll go with you, and leave the labyrinth to my husband for the time being?"

Mimeng continued to shake her head, "No, I can't leave you guys, don't worry, I'm just going to take a look and I'll be back soon."

Seeing what Mimeng said, Ye Rumu suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, nodded, and said: "Okay then, but sister, you must come back safely."

Mimeng smiled at Ye Rumu, "You, you are ten or twenty thousand years younger than my sister, why are you taking care of my sister? Why, don't you trust my sister?"

"Of course I believe it, but I'm just worried." Ye Rumu said, the feeling of uneasiness seemed to be getting worse and worse, looking at Mimeng, he was so worried that he couldn't get rid of it.

Mi Meng hurriedly said: "I'm leaving first, I'll be back soon." I'm afraid that Ye Rumu will keep her.

Mimeng left in a hurry, Ye Rumu told Baili Yao about this matter, and then the two of them will live in the maze for a while, Baili Yao only nodded in agreement after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

After all, the days when they returned to the fairyland were like a snap of their fingers in just a few months, and they didn't think about how many days they had in the mortal world.

"Don't worry, let's stay in the maze and wait for my sister to come back with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, how about it?" Baili Yao saw Ye Rumu's worry, pulled Ye Rumu and said softly.

"I don't want to be worried, but..." Ye Rumu sighed, "But the uneasiness in my heart has always been there, and the relationship with blood this considered induction?"

Ye Rumu also doesn't want to worry about it. Now in the mortal world, how can anyone beat blur and dream?

Even if it doesn't work, after the mother returns to her position, the fairy power will return to her body, and by then, the entire cultivation world will not be their opponent.

But where does this anxiety come from?

Could it be that he was too nervous?

Originally, he was worried about not wanting to, but when he saw the big and small things that had to be solved, Ye Rumu only felt that his eyes were dark.

She also has Baili Yao to help, but my sister handles it by herself!
Thinking of this, Ye Rumu felt guilty. For so many years, she let her sister deal with the maze by herself.

After reading it, it was already night, and there was no time to think about what happened to Mimeng in the cultivation world.

Thinking of Mimeng being able to chat with her calmly while editing, Ye Rumu felt that Mimeng was great!
That is her sister.

A sense of pride naturally arises.

After dealing with things, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao jumped onto the roof of the palace in the maze, cuddling each other and looking at the stars that were close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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