Chapter 1841

After all, he abducted someone's daughter.Although his father-in-law didn't embarrass him when he was in the realm of comprehension, who knows if his father-in-law will embarrass him after he recovers and finishes his own affairs?
Baili Yao held Ye Rumu in his arms, looked down at the woman's pretty face, and smiled faintly. If he could marry her home, even if his father-in-law and mother-in-law made things difficult for him in the future, he would accept it.

Thinking about it, Baili Yao hugged Ye Rumu's hand even harder, until Ye Rumu slapped his arm vigorously, Baili Yao suddenly came back to his senses, seeing Ye Rumu's face was not very good, Knowing that he made Ye Rumu feel uncomfortable, he quickly loosened his arm and buried it on her neck, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Ye Rumu patted Baili Yao's back, always feeling that something was wrong with him, Baili Yao seldom lost his mind, even if he did, he would never make her feel uncomfortable, even unconsciously, he would not let her be affected. A little hurt, and this time...

Ye Rumu forgot about Baili Yao for a while, and stretched out his hand to feel Baili Yao's pulse. Seeing that his pulse was a little messy, he was startled, "Your pulse is a little messy! What's wrong?"

Ye Rumu recalled that she had been with Baili Yao all the time, if Baili Yao really encountered something, he should know it?

But if there is nothing to say, why is the pulse suddenly so disordered?Said that Baili Yao was worried about seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law, not to mention that Ye Rumu didn't believe it, Baili Yao couldn't tell.

"It's okay." Baili Yao frowned and said warmly.

Seeing that he did not have any other bad reactions, Ye Rumu didn't say anything, probably because she was tired of helping her deal with the maze these days?
"Sleeping?" Ye Rumu put his hand behind Baili Yao's head and stroked it.

"Mu'er stay with me." Baili Yao whispered in Ye Rumu's ear.

Ye Rumu looked at the pile of brochures, ignored them, and nodded calmly, "Okay, it's time for a lunch break."

Half a month after Mimeng left, he didn't know whether it was Jing Xing who finally lost his composure, or whether he had finally finished his work and finally came to his door.

When Ye Rumu saw Jing Xing now, he didn't have the fear of Jing Xing when he was Rosemie. When he saw someone, Ye Rumu asked directly with a smile that was not a smile: "Master? Are you here to see?" The apprentice still came to see my sister?"

Jing Xing glanced at Ye Rumu indifferently, he didn't think it was a big deal that this apprentice could see his thoughts, instead he nodded calmly and asked, "Is your sister there?"

"Not here." Hearing this, Ye Rumu smiled even brighter, and she really came for her sister.

Hearing Ye Rumu's absence, Jing Xing's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "Your sister is not here, where did she go?"

Ye Rumu heard Jing Xing's anxious tone even though he concealed it very well, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "Master, I am your apprentice, why don't you come here?" Ask me how I am doing? Have you cultivated well?"

Jing Xing gave Ye Rumu a flat look, "Even if you are a teacher and don't ask, I know you are alive and well."

"Hmm." Ye Rumu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his master was so obvious every time, it's a pity that Mimeng ignored it like a fancier.

"Okay, I won't tell you where my sister went, I guess you will be anxious with me. Originally, father and mother will come back in no more than three months.
(End of this chapter)

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