Chapter 1842

But now it has been five or six months, and there is still no one, so my sister went to the cultivation world to see if something happened. "Ye Rumu replied honestly.

Jing Xing frowned lightly when he heard the words, "The cultivation world is different from the real mortal world, and naturally it's also different from the fairy world. It's only been five or six months, so why worry?"

Ye Rumu looked up at Jing Xing, seeing that Jing Xing said so firmly, she was relieved.

"So it's like this? We thought it would be good for more than three months. No wonder... there is also a difference in the time between the immortal world and the immortal world..." Ye Rumu tried hard to recall, only to realize that it seemed that each world passed The time is probably not different, but when I was in it, I found that it was only twelve hours. How could some time be more and some time be less?

When Jing Xing saw Ye Rumu, he knew what she was thinking. Although she was more mature, sensible and stronger than before, it was her, his only naughty disciple before.

"Don't think about it. No one has really understood the rules of the world. Even if they understand it, they can't change anything. In the eyes of people in all the worlds below the fairy world, the fairy world is the most powerful existence. In fact, the fairy world In the eyes of Heaven, they are just like ants." Jing Xing said with a faint smile.

It is precisely because Tiandao is moody, ruthless, and no one knows who Tiandao will pay with his life next, so Jing Xing endures what he wants again and again.

Ye Rumu smiled. She found that she couldn't say like some novels in the 21st century: My fate is up to me!

In front of the Dao of Heaven, no matter they are mortals, cultivators, or immortals, they are all weak like ants.

Don't talk about ants regretting elephants, they can't even touch the corners of heaven.

Of course, in the hundreds of millions of years, it is not that no immortal has touched it, but there is a price to pay.

The price is so painful that those who have this ability will not easily commit the crime.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and after a while, Ye Rumu looked at Jing Xing again, and asked, "Master is here today, besides asking about my sister, is there anything else?"

"I want to ask you guys about the East China Sea." When Jing Xing mentioned the East China Sea, seeing Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's calm expressions, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Is it all taken care of?"

Baili Yao shook his head, thinking about the matter of Donghai, his brows frowned, "Not yet, the labyrinth is not suitable for meddling in this matter."

Jing Xing nodded in satisfaction, paused, and then said the purpose of his trip, "I rushed over after hearing the news, just to let you leave Donghai's affairs alone."

Ye Rumu was clever, and quickly said yes, with a serious expression on his face, "Master knows what's going on?"

Jing Xing hummed, and unhurriedly stretched out his hand to hold the teacup against the edge to sip, "This is the grievance between the four seas, not to mention you, even if the Tiangong is still there, they won't care."

"The grievances between the four seas?" Ye Rumu was taken aback, this was in the past, but he had never heard of it, "Master, what's going on?"

"It's been tens of thousands of years. You younger generations definitely don't know, even your father doesn't know." Jing Han glanced at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao, without explaining the grievances between the four seas, but just saying : "I tell you today,

(End of this chapter)

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