Chapter 1843

"I'm telling you today that I just hope that you can stand your ground. Let them fight on their own with regard to the affairs of the four seas, and don't get involved."

"Master? What kind of grudge?" Ye Rumu didn't give up.

Jing Xing shook his head, making it clear that he would not speak.

Ye Rumu knew that Jing Xing would not say anything after seeing it this way.

"Things between the four seas..." Baili Yao lowered his head and thought for a while, "It's a tight secret."

Now that I know, I am afraid there is not much.

When Jing Xing heard this, a helpless smile appeared on his gentle and jade-like face, "The dragon race is a race that must take revenge, not to mention decades, even hundreds of years, as long as you are still alive, you will choose the weakest one." Time to wipe out people in one fell swoop!"

Ye Rumu took a deep breath, yes, how could he forget the character of the Dragon Clan?
Compared with Cang Yuan, Cang Yuan is not like a member of the Dragon Clan.

Even Cangyuan's sister, Princess Ruge, has liked the man next to her for so many years and never wanted to see her again, and she hasn't changed a bit.

Jing Xing remained silent. Back then, he also had friendship with members of the Dragon Clan, but it just disappeared over the long years.

Jing Xing had done what he wanted to do, so he didn't say anything else, but sipped the tea leisurely by himself, leaving Ye Rumu and Baili Yao to concentrate on dealing with common affairs after thinking about it.

After the two couples finished their work, they looked up and found that the God of Jingxing was still there. They patted their foreheads with some annoyance, and said guiltily: "I'm so busy that I forgot the master. I'm really sorry."

Jing Xing shook his head, said with a slight smile, "It's okay. I'm still waiting for you to invite me to drink."

Ye Rumu stretched his eyebrows, and said with a slight smile, "Okay, let Yao accompany you for a while, and I'll prepare some appetizers."

After Ye Rumu finished cooking, he called Wushangzi, and the four chatted while eating and drinking.

With Jing Xing, Ye Rumu won't worry about his parents and sister who are far away in the realm of cultivation for the time being.

Ye Rumu looked at Jing Xing, he would probably live in the maze until Mimeng came back.

He shook his head with a helpless smile, raised his glass and sipped lightly, the two of them were really anxious to see.

Jing Xing seemed to have noticed Ye Rumu's gaze, looked back at Ye Rumu, and asked casually, "Your child is already this old, does your sister have someone she likes?"

Ye Rumu looked at Jing Xing, nodded seriously, "Yes."

Ye Rumu clearly saw that Jing Xing's hand holding the wine glass suddenly tightened.

Wushangzi also smiled when he heard their conversation, "Although Mimeng didn't say it himself, but as Mimeng's righteous brother, I can still tell who Mimeng likes."

Ye Rumu couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile when he heard Wushangzi's words, this assist is great!
"Oh? Who is it?" Jing Xing only felt that his breathing was a little heavy, he tried his best to control himself, and Jing Xing, who had always been calm about his emotions and anger, was a little out of control...

Ye Rumu watched and sighed in his heart, the two clearly had each other in their hearts, but they were both stubborn, and neither of them would reveal it.

One was worried that his time was short and he would not be able to properly protect Mimeng, the other was worried that he would not be worthy of Jing Xing and that Jing Xing would not like her.

After all, the most frightening thing is that the Goddess has a dream, but the King Xiang has no heart.

"This... Shangshen, you should ask Mimeng yourself." Wushangzi said with a smile, making a fool of himself.

"What about you? Dier, will you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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