Chapter 1865

Mi Mi didn't say any more, Mi Meng knew that her father was not interfering with her affairs.

"Father, thank you." Mi Meng clenched her fingers and looked at Mi Mi gratefully.

If Mimi intervenes, it's not impossible for her to go, but...she doesn't want to have any disputes with Mimi.

This is her father. The person she likes must be approved by her father.

"You have to think about it, don't feel worse after seeing it." Mi Mi warned with a serious face.

Mimeng looked at Mimi, and felt warm in her heart. She could think of everything for her, and there was no one else but her family. At the same time, she also decided that if there was really nothing she could do this time, then she would return to the maze and take over from now on. maze.

Mimi wanted to let go of the maze for a long time, and Mimeng knew about it, but it wasn't Mimi's fault, it was just helplessness.

Mimeng didn't delay any longer, and soon set out from the maze. When all the things in the maze fell into Mimi's hands, Mimi was stunned. Did he make a wrong decision?
If he had known that he would be the one to deal with things, he would definitely not agree to go to Mimeng!
But at this moment, Mimi could only cry and had to deal with it by herself.

After Qianyun knew about it, he only lightly said that he deserved it.

Mimi expressed that he was even more wronged. He was wronged already, but now his dearest wife still said that about him, is he going to cry to death?
However, Mimi only wailed a few times on the surface. When it comes to business, it is still a little bit reliable. Otherwise, it would not be possible to build such a large maze with one person.

However, Mi Mi had been away from the maze for many years, and if it wasn't for Mi Meng's support, she would have really fallen down.

Mimi also knew that his daughter had this ability, so he let go so simply, otherwise, he would not be worried about other people.

As for Rosemary... she was still young back then, but now, she did have this ability, but he could also see that his daughter didn't even want the power of the Yang family, so why would she want a maze?
Regarding the character of Rosemary, Mimi just wants to say that she is very similar to him!Has his demeanor back then!

In fact, the original intention of building the maze is the same as that of Ye Rumu's Tianya Pavilion, that is to protect the people he wants to protect.

The forces built by yourself are much better than the family forces. Those big families that have been passed down for thousands of years are really too complicated and intricate. No one knows who will stab you in the back.

Mimi agrees with Ye Rumu's choice. While the status of the Yang family is high, the risks they bear are also high. Walking in the fairy world, how can there be no enemies?
Not to mention such a rich family.

But in fact, if Ye Rumu is willing to marry to the Yang family, Mimi will also support it. This time I went to the Yang family to discuss the marriage, and I heard that Ye Rumu had agreed to it a long time ago. ...Ye Rumu directly expressed his dissatisfaction with the Yang family, and after returning with Ye Xiaoye, he fled away from the fairyland. Even the people in the labyrinth didn't know where Ye Rumu had gone.

Mimi felt a little helpless, that's all, that's all, children and grandchildren have their own blessings!Let them make trouble on their own!


As soon as Mimeng left the maze, he summoned the spirit grass, "Spirit grass, go to Jing Xing Shangshen's Immortal Mansion."

As soon as the spirit grass heard it, it turned into a stream of light, and quickly swept towards the Immortal Mansion of God Jing Xingshang.

(End of this chapter)

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