Chapter 1866

Before the spirit grass arrived at the Immortal Mansion, it was stopped by Jing Xing's people. The person who came was at least a lowly cultivation level!
"Who is it?" The person who came yelled angrily, trying to make the other person stop and not come closer.

At this moment, it was the time when Jing Xingshangshen was going to respond to the robbery. Originally, Jing Xingshangshen wanted to leave the Immortal Mansion and go to other places to respond to the robbery, but thinking that outside, maybe someone would take advantage of his serious injuries to do something, besides, Not only is the target too big to be outside, but it is also too dangerous!Simply respond to the robbery at home.

When Lingcao heard someone scolding him angrily, she subconsciously stepped forward, but she didn't stop until she was a few feet away from the person who came.

"Shangshen Mimeng?" The visitor looked at the woman riding the beast in surprise, cupped his hands towards her, and continued: "Shangshen Mimeng, it is not convenient for our lord to receive guests for the time being."

Originally, people don't need to be so polite to a young woman who has just been promoted to God, but it's all because Jing Xing Shangshen is Mijia Adie's master. The people are very polite.

"He is robbing at... the mansion?" Mimeng raised her head to look at the Immortal Mansion at the back, clearly...there is no thunder calamity in the sky!

Otherwise, she could have noticed it from a distance. Originally, she came this time to know where Jing Xing was going to be robbed, but this person said it was inconvenient to come out, it was not because he was not in the mansion!

"We have nothing to say about these things, please leave the High God Mimeng as soon as possible." The visitor still admired and respected this High God. After all, he was already the Supreme God at a young age. You know, his I don't know how many times my age has doubled compared to Mimeng!Still just a god!
Mimeng calmed down, no one can disturb him now, the person on the other side said this, maybe it was because Jing Xing Shangshen and Mijia just had some relationship?

Mi dreamed, stepped back some distance, and said lightly: "I am here waiting for the success of Jing Xingshang's divine response."

The person who came didn't persuade the other party to leave, but went back to the Immortal Mansion. This time, Jing Xingshang's god responded to the robbery.

The chance of surviving can be said to be almost non-existent!
But now, apart from those who want to wait for their lord to fall and snatch his rich resources, I am afraid that no one is really worried about the lord!

There are many people like Mimeng, and there are also many people who pretend to be worried and say that they want the Lord to succeed in the robbery. He is numb. If they want to wait, they should wait outside. To be given to others, they can't get the same thing!

These people don't understand His Excellency too much!
Thinking about it, after so many years, apart from having some connections with the Mi Family, the Venerable basically didn't interact with other immortal families. Even the goddess who threatened to be the only one in the past, she fell early.

Thinking of the apprentice of His Majesty, the God who is less than [-] years old!

Speaking of this point is something that makes the Lord honorable, but the Lord seems to be indifferent all the time, and doesn't seem to take it very seriously, but the Lord is dedicated to teaching Rosemary Goddess.

That's right... It is said that His Majesty accepted Rosemary as his apprentice back then, it was because he had a premonition that he would have a predestined relationship with the Mi family, and it happened that Rosemary was suitable for learning His Majesty's martial arts and cultivation methods, so His Majesty accepted Rosemary as his apprentice. only.

Now that I think about it, the eldest lady and the second lady of the Mi family are all very talented!

That is the real family is God!

(End of this chapter)

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