Chapter 192 Missing 15
However, Ye Rumu still kept an eye on her. She winked at Qingxin, signaling Qingxin to stare at Fengxi.

Feng Xi also has a problem!First, he bumped into Xiaozhen holding Ye Xiaoye at the back door, and the person who connected him said he didn't take the child away, so there is a high possibility that Fengxi took the child away!
And that Jia'er, who just came back from the mansion, asked the guard at the door and said that he hadn't seen anyone taking Ye Xiaoye out. Will let it go.

Ye Rumu just wanted to know, is there anyone who brought something that could be hidden and left the palace so no one knew?

After all, how much a child of a few years old can weigh, and there are too many children who can pretend to be children.

Immediately, he and Baili Yao exchanged glances, pretending to go out immediately, but actually they just left the Clear Water Courtyard and went to the dark prison.Today the guards guarding the gate were waiting there, and when they saw Baili Yao and Ye Rumu coming, they saluted immediately.

Ye Rumu immediately asked: "How many people went out from the main gate today?"

The reason why I didn't ask about the back door was because there was no one guarding the back door.And when Ye Xiaoye was taken by Xiaozhen for the first time, she was bumped into by Fengxi again.

Ye Rumu always felt that this matter was wrong and very wrong.

The guards had already received Baili Yao's order, so they made a list early.

There were only a few people who went out from the main gate, none of the women in the backyard went out, only Feng Xi sent Jia Er to go out at night!
The remaining few are all the old people in the palace, they are the people in the kitchen. Someone delivered the food today, and the people in the kitchen went to get it.

The two looked at each other, but still found Jiaer the most suspicious, Ye Rumu asked, "Did Jiaer bring anything with her when she went out?"

"Yes." The guard replied without thinking, because the package was too eye-catching.

"There are no details, you tell me everything." Baili Yao narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Yes! When Jia'er went out, she was holding a big black package in her arms. It was quite big. Seeing that she was struggling to hold it, she said it was something that Princess Fengxi asked her to bring to Prince Fengxie. The subordinates didn't check because of her...she, her like that..." As they spoke, the guards also felt that Feng Xi was suspicious.

After listening to the guard's narration, Ye Rumu and Bai Liyao looked at each other, and Bai Liyao said: "My lady, go to the second prince's mansion for your husband, you wait in the mansion, your husband will definitely bring the child back .”

The longer the time, the more unknowns.

Ye Rumu shook his head, frowned, and said coldly, "I'll go too!"

"Okay." Baili Yao held her hand, it wasn't too dangerous, and he was relieved, but if the child is not in the second prince's mansion...

Baili Yao's heart sank, if he wasn't there, he would turn the whole Dongxing upside down!
The two left the Prince Regent's Mansion together and sneaked into the Second Prince's Mansion under the cover of night.Since he didn't know which room Feng Xie lived in, Ye Rumu grabbed a maid and asked where Feng Xie lived.

Feng Xie lived in a place second only to the second prince, and the location was not far away, so it was easy to find. When he found the place, Ye Rumu knocked out the maidservant, and sneaked in with Baili Yao.

Inside, Feng Xie and the second prince Baili Chengchen were watching the dance, holding a beautiful woman in one hand and a wine glass in the other.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, gave up looking ahead, and went directly to Feng Xie's place. The two easily avoided the people in the second prince's residence and sneaked into Feng Xie's room through the window.

(End of this chapter)

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