Chapter 193 Missing 16
The two searched one by one, and when they searched, Ye Xiaoye, who was in the dark room, just woke up.

Ye Xiaoye rubbed his eyes, looked around dimly, raised his head, and found that there was only a torch on top of his head, and the entire dark room was only lit by the torch.

Ye Xiaoye thought about why he was here, stood up, and fell to the ground suddenly because of the stamina of the drug, his whole body was limp.Seeing the dark walls all around, Ye Xiaoye wanted to cry.But as long as he remembered what his mother said that a man should not cry, he would try his best to bear it.

Ye Xiaoye thought that he suddenly lost consciousness because he ate Wenren Qiubai, and then woke up here.

So, where is he now?
Ye Xiaoye couldn't figure it out, so she had to crawl over and lean against the wall, sighing, looking at the sky with her small head at a 45° angle, God is really jealous of handsome and smart people, just like him, locked here by vicious women, don't give Eat, not drink.

Ye Xiaoye suddenly remembered the story his mother told him when he was a child. Because of jealousy of the beauty of a princess, an old witch used magic to make the princess sleep for thousands of years, and then waited for the prince to wake her up with a kiss. We are happy together.At that time, Ye Xiaoye snorted, the princess slept for thousands of years, even if she didn't eat or drink, she wouldn't die, but if she was with the prince who was thousands of years late, would she not be called an old cow eating young grass?

Now he feels that he is the imprisoned princess... Ah bah, it is the imprisoned prince who is waiting for his mother, the princess, to rescue him.

There is also a story about a princess who was poisoned to death by her stepmother. Now he felt that Wenren Qiubai was the stepmother, and then he was poisoned to death.

To be honest, from the looks of these two stories, it doesn't help at all...

Huh... I will never despise the stories my mother told me when I was a child to lull him to sleep...

The more Ye Xiaoye sat, the more wronged he became, his little stomach growled in response to the occasion, he sighed melancholy, his mother said that handsome people are always framed by others, and now he finally realized the profound meaning of this sentence.

He felt that if he didn't do anything, he would really starve to death here.

So, he turned around, put his ear against the wall and listened to the movement outside, a quarter of an hour passed... two quarters of an hour passed... half a quarter of an hour... Ye Xiaoye heard nothing.

Howling, he clenched his small fists and hammered the hard wall...Suddenly he had a good idea, he could tear down the wall and go out!
Helpless, with too much brain power and too little ability, he gave up after a few hammers.

The longer he stayed, the more he wanted to cry. Tears had already filled his eyes, but they didn't fall for a long time.

He always remembers not to cry, not to cry.

After sitting for a long time, he felt a little strength in his body, and he was no longer limp, probably because the medicine had worn off.When he and his mother followed that old man before, he had been exposed to a lot of medicines. If he had known about it, he would have studied medicine with that old man, so that he would not fall into such low-level and inferior tricks.

He got up quickly and walked around the perimeter of the wall.Ye Rumu has taught him a little about the mechanism, too little, Ye Xiaoye can't go out, but at least find the door of the darkroom!Maybe mother and father have come to him.

But before Ye Xiaoye found the door, someone opened the mechanism outside.

Ye Xiaoye was stunned by the rumbling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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