Chapter 199 Making waves 3
Baili Yao can't keep it!
Thinking of the fire poison he gave Baili Yao, as soon as Baili Yao was seriously injured, he would have an attack, and if there was no antidote, he would definitely die.

But Bailiyu couldn't figure it out. Bailiyao has had two seizures in five years, why is he still alive?Moreover, the fire poison can only be activated when there is a serious injury, and it is useless at other times!
Bailiyu really regretted that he didn't poison Bailiyao immediately and let him live until now.

His power is so great, so the next step is to take his own throne?

According to Baili Yao's ability, if he wanted it, someone would definitely support it!And he won't accuse Baili Yao of seeking power and usurping the throne!

Bailiyu thought about it, but he didn't realize that Ye Rumu was already sitting in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Ye Rumu saw that Bailiyu didn't notice him, and he didn't make a sound to remind him, until Bailiyu turned his head suddenly, and was shocked when he saw Pavilion Master Yuexuan sitting there with a familiar face.

"You... When did you come?" Bailiyu asked Ye Rumu, patting his thumping chest.

"The master of the pavilion has been here for some time. Seeing that His Majesty is thinking about something, he didn't bother him." Ye Rumu said with a slight smile.

Bailiyu frowned, wondering if he had said anything important when he was thinking about it just now!But judging by Ye Rumu's appearance, he probably doesn't know anything.He asked: "Pavilion Master Yuexuan came to see me, why?"

He didn't look for Yuexuan Pavilion, how could he come here!Bailiyu thought.

"Your Majesty, do you know who committed the murders that happened in the capital last night?" Ye Rumu directly got into the topic.

"Pavilion master knows?" Of course he didn't know, otherwise he wouldn't have asked people to investigate, it's just that group of trash, they have been investigating for so long without any clue!

Ye Rumu nodded, meaning he knew it.

Bailiyu's pupils shrank. Could it be that Pavilion Master Yuexuan came here to tell him this matter?Immediately, the thought of blaming Ye Rumu for disrespecting him disappeared. It turned out that he was here to send news, so why would he be angry?He asked eagerly: "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, who is it? Tell me quickly!"

Ye Rumu opened his lips lightly, and spit out three words one by one: "Poisonous Wolf Cult."

"What!" Baili Yu's eyes widened suddenly, and he yelled in an unbelievable way.

What is Poisonous Wolf Cult?Isn't the Poisonous Wolf Sect gone?Is Ye Rumu lying to him?Bailiyu looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously. The Poisonous Wolf Sect had already been wiped out with the cooperation of Wulin back then, so it is impossible for it to appear again!

"Impossible! The Poisonous Wolf Sect was wiped out a few years ago. At that time, the Yuexuan Pavilion, the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, did not exist yet, so you might not know it." Bailiyu said.

"My Pavilion Master's Yuexuan Pavilion did not exist a few years ago, but my Pavilion Master had heard about it at that time. Your Majesty, don't you think that those murders are very similar to the style of the Poisonous Wolf Sect?" Ye Rumu said lightly.

Judging by the change in Bailiyu's expression, it was obvious that Bailiyu remembered it.

Bailiyu just doesn't want to believe that the Poisonous Wolf Cult has made a comeback. After all, the Poisonous Wolf Cult is too scary!There are all kinds of cruelty and methods of altering tai, and if a person lives in their hands, there is no possibility of survival!Of course, except for their own people, no one else was so lucky.

Hearing the death of those people, Bailiyu had already thought about it.

Ye Rumu continued: "Your Majesty, it is a wise move to seal the city gate. This is what the Pavilion Master asked the Regent to do. Please continue to block it until the remnants of the Poisonous Wolf Sect are caught."

 So cold {{{(>_<)}}}
(End of this chapter)

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