Chapter 200 Making waves 4
Bailiyu frowned: "Blocking the city gate for a long time will cause panic."

"Does the emperor think it's better to cause panic, or let the poisonous wolf teach away?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Bailiyu frowned, "Of course it's the former."

Although he felt bad about both, if he had to choose one, he would definitely choose the former.

"Since it is the former, then the emperor should not object. Close the city gate until the members of the Poisonous Wolf Cult are found." Ye Rumu said.

"Then what if we never find it?" Baili Yu asked because the members of the Poisonous Wolf Cult were so good at hiding.

The members of the Poisonous Wolf Sect usually disappear without a trace after they come out to make waves, without a trace, and they mix among ordinary people and pretend to be ordinary people, and they dare not act rashly.

"Does the emperor not believe in this pavilion master or himself? As long as they have appeared, it is impossible to find them! It's just that they haven't searched hard yet." Ye Rumu sneered.

Before he started looking for it, he just said that he couldn't find it, no matter what happened or [-], Baili Yu just thought that he couldn't find it anyway!

Bailiyu was silent for a moment, and then said: "What does Pavilion Master Yuexuan want to do? What do you need, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to meet your requirements."

"Oh, as long as the emperor doesn't cause us any trouble!" After speaking, Ye Rumu left directly.

For a cowardly and incompetent emperor like the emperor, Ye Rumu really just needs him not to cause trouble!
An emperor who insisted on opening the gates of the city after his people were brutally murdered, probably let them go on purpose because he was afraid of the Poisonous Wolf Sect!After all, he participated in the siege a few years ago, and seeing those who died being treated so cruelly, he was also afraid that the Poisonous Wolf Cult would retaliate against him like this.

If she hadn't appeared and said that she was looking for members of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, Baili Yu would not have continued to investigate and would have been stopped early.

After this matter was resolved, Ye Rumu went back to the Prince Regent's Mansion without any delay.

But what she didn't know was that just after she left, Jun Moli also appeared in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After Bailiyu finally sent one away, another came.When he saw Jun Moli for the first time, he was frightened by his indifferent aura. He thought it was the Poisonous Wolf Sect who came to retaliate against him. Bailiyu's legs trembled, and he pointed at Jun Moli tremblingly and said in a trembling voice : "You, who are you? Are you a member of the Poisonous Wolf Cult? Don't kill me! Don't! What happened back then is none of my business! They forced me! Really! If you want revenge, go to Find them...don't come to me..."

Bailiyu backed away again and again, not daring to look at Jun Moli.

Jun Moli: "..."

He pursed his cold lips, pushed back the cloak hat on his head, revealing his long silver-white hair, and said coldly: "Emperor Dongxing, you can see who I am."

Hearing this voice, Bailiyu was stunned for a moment. He looked suspiciously. First of all, he was wearing a black robe with strange patterns, a silver-white mask on his face, and long silver hair...

silver?In this world, only Jun Moli has that unique silver-white long hair!
"You are... Jun Moli?" Bailiyu called out the name, then tidied up the messy dragon robe, and his face returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

A few years ago, he met Jun Moli once. At that time, Jun Moli came to him to cooperate with the encirclement and suppression of Poisonous Wolf Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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