Chapter 237
"Father, tell me! I promise not to let anyone know!" Ye Rumu promised.

After Ye Rumu made the promise, Ye Wensheng nodded, with a sad expression on his face, and said slowly: "The ancestors of the Ye family lived in the Nanman country in the south. Our Ye family was originally from the Nanman country, and the ancestors of the Ye family have been officials for generations.

Originally, the Ye family had a very respected status in the Nanman Kingdom, but the tree attracted the wind.The Ye family was framed, and the Ye family was imprisoned. The Ye family were all innocent, so they hoped that the Nanman King could find out the truth as soon as possible and return them innocent.

However, the person who framed the Ye family wanted to kill the Ye family with one move, so how could they leave any evidence?In addition, the person who framed the Ye family bought a concubine of the Ye family, and the concubine helped him to harm the Ye family in order to get ahead.

Thousands of people pushed the wall down, and all the officials who had been friends with the Ye family disappeared one by one, and some even read a copy of the Ye family.

At that time, the Nanman king ransacked and beheaded the whole family of the Ye family...

But the head of the Ye family at that time actually had a son and a daughter who escaped to Dongxing country because they went out to play.

In Dongxing country, the fallen leaves return to their roots and have been multiplied to this day. "

"Mu'er, do you feel very puzzled that our Ye family members are no worse than anyone else, but there is no official?"

Ye Wensheng asked.

Ye Rumu nodded, his face was still calm, but his heart really couldn't be calm.

In other words, the Ye family is actually from the Nanman country, not from Dongxing.

Ye Rumu continued to listen to Ye Wensheng.

Ye Wensheng continued: "That's because of the ancestral instruction. The two children of the Ye family who survived by chance are our ancestors. They left behind family rules. Members of the Ye family are only allowed to do business, and are not allowed to be officials in the court!"

Ye Rumu finally understood why she hadn't heard of anyone in the Ye family being an official. This question has been around since she first crossed over, but no one has answered it for her.

I couldn't find anything after checking, but: "Since it's a family rule, father, why don't I know?"

"This family rule is still the same as what my father told you. You can only tell the concubine! The children of the concubine have arranged for them to work in the Ye family's property early. How can they have the opportunity to be an official? Even if there are, generally I won't let him go either. Originally, my father didn't want to tell you so early, but think about it, you are my father's only legitimate daughter, so I will tell you about this sooner or later, and because of something happened, my father had to tell you in advance is you."

"Father, what happened?" This was the second time something was said.

"They are still the descendants of the person who framed our ancestors, they... well, they still refuse to let the Ye family go!" Ye Wensheng sighed.

"How do they know that there are still people alive in our Ye family? And they know that they are in Dongxing country?" Ye Rumu was very puzzled. If they didn't know that there were people alive in the Ye family, why did they suddenly know?

"Alas...Actually, after all these years, why have they let our Ye family go? They wouldn't let the Ye family go without finding such a thing. Even if they knew that the Ye family might have died long ago, they didn't give up for so many years. , and now...he was finally found." Marven Ye sighed.

Could it be that the Ye family still can't escape this fate?

"What?" Ye Rumu caught the key word and asked.

It is because of one thing that he framed a family that has been officials for generations and has a certain status, and has been chasing after him for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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