Chapter 238
What is it for?What is so valuable?

Ye Wensheng hesitated, and finally took out a square box from his arms, opened it, and handed it to Ye Rumu: "Mu'er, this is it, this is the wooden dragon ball!"

Ye Rumu's heart moved, and he took the box, and there was a light green round bead the size of half a fist lying in it.

Ye Rumu took it out, and suddenly felt that the water spirit beads and fire spirit beads on his body were vibrating slightly when they sensed the wood spirit beads.

"They are so deliberate to deal with the Ye family, and even after the Ye family is completely destroyed, they are still chasing the descendants of the Ye family. Is it because of this?"

"That's right! Originally, the Ye family didn't think there was anything about this bead, it was just an ornament, so the girl among the two who escaped unharmed that day took the Wood Spirit Bead out, so it was not taken away. It is said that they only found out later that what those people were looking for was this bead."

"Mu'er, I came to you after hesitating for a long time on behalf of my father."

"The Ye family is no longer safe. This Wood Spirit Orb... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it for my father. I think about it for my father. Maybe I can keep it if I give you the Wood Spirit Orb, but it's absolutely impossible to keep it here. We can't keep it anymore, those people already know that we are the Ye Family of the Nanman Kingdom."

"Mu'er, I'm begging you for my father! You must take this Wood Spirit Orb! This is the responsibility of the Ye family!" Ye Wensheng said at the end, with a pleading tone.

If those people deal with the current Ye family like they did with the Ye family in Nanman, then they will have nothing to fight back, and he will not be able to keep this Wood Spirit Orb at all!

But maybe, those people don't know that he has given Ye Rumu the Wood Spirit Orb.

And Ye Rumu...Seeing that she has a good relationship with Baili Yao, Ye Wensheng thought, it would be great if Baili Yao could protect Ye Rumu.

"Okay." She would take it without Marven Ye begging.

Ye Rumu looked at the Lingzhu with a faint green light in his hand, and felt a feeling of being washed all over his body, a sense of sacredness emerged spontaneously.

This is a feeling that the other two spirit beads do not have.

"Mu'er, thank you." Ye Wensheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Father, you don't have to thank me. Didn't you tell me that this is the responsibility of our Ye family's descendants. Don't worry, father. I won't tell anyone." Ye Rumu put the lid on and put it away.

Ye Wensheng looked at the box with attachment in his eyes.

Although this thing is a scourge and can bring death, he has been carrying it for decades, and he still feels very reluctant to part with it.

Ye Rumu frowned, pretending he didn't see it.

The Lingzhu was on Ye Wensheng's body, as Ye Wensheng said, it could no longer be kept.

Ye Rumu had to investigate this matter.

She asked, "Father, who wants such a thing?"

Ye Wensheng shook his head, "I'm not very clear about being a father, but it seems to be a Nanman family that was comparable in strength to the Ye family at the time. Originally, the strength was comparable, so it was impossible to destroy the Ye family so quickly. I also heard that, They have teamed up with the Poisonous Wolf Cult!"

Recently, the Poisonous Wolf Cult was rampant, and Ye Wensheng had heard something vaguely, so he came here in such a hurry.

Ye Rumu squinted his eyes suddenly, it's Poisonous Wolf Sect again!
Why is there something about Poisonous Wolf Cult everywhere?

Ye Rumu frowned.

"Father, you have to be more careful recently, Poisonous Wolf Cult... After being wiped out by the imperial court and Jiang Hu jointly a few years ago, it is now making a comeback." Ye Rumu reminded.

 I'm so busy... There will definitely be more updates next month, so you can save up and watch this month.

(End of this chapter)

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