Chapter 241 Martial Arts Conference 2
When it comes to Dongxing Kingdom, everyone will first talk about Baili Yao, the regent, rather than Baili Yu, the emperor.

"The time is one month later." Ye Rumu opened the envelope and took out the letter to read.

"One month later, we will prepare well during this time," Baili Yao said.

Ye Rumu nodded, according to the past, after the martial arts conference, it was time to deal with the Poisonous Wolf Sect, so it was really necessary to prepare well.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Baili Yao shook Ye Rumu's little hand.

"With you here, I never worry." Ye Rumu blinked and said mischievously.

Baili Yao smiled, it was rare to see such a lively side of Ye Rumu.

"At that time, what do you plan to do?" Ye Rumu asked.

There were few people in Yuexuan Pavilion, and now half of them were sent to protect the Ye family. There were only dozens of people left in Yuexuan Pavilion.

It's just that the location of Yuexuan Pavilion is mysterious, and it is protected by the maze set up by Ye Rumu, so Yuexuan Pavilion is very mysterious in the eyes of outsiders, and they think that there are many people in Yuexuan Pavilion.

That's right, how could the Hitman Pavilion, which is so powerful and has no failure rate in every mission, think that there are actually less than 200 people?
"I don't have many people in my hands, and the military power has been taken back by the emperor, so I can only rely on the people I cultivate." Baili Yao said truthfully.

He is also a person who dislikes many people, so all the people under him are one against a hundred.

There are not many people, sometimes a good person behind you is more effective than many people.

Ye Rumu frowned, "My Yuexuan Pavilion only has more than 100 people, I have already sent half of them to Yefu, and the rest are only a few dozen people."

Baili Yao was a little surprised, "Princess, my husband thought you had a large number of people in Yuexuan Pavilion."

Unbelievable, with outstanding abilities and a good reputation, there are only more than 100 people in Yuexuan Pavilion.

Such a number of people is rarely able to gain a foothold in the arena, but Ye Rumu not only did it, but also did his best in a short period of time.

Ye Rumu smiled slightly: "I'm afraid everyone thinks so."

But in fact, there are really only more than 100 people.

"Well, I didn't expect it. My princess is so powerful." Baili Yao was full of admiration.

Unexpectedly, a woman, or a woman with a child, can come to such a step.

Of course, it's not that he looks down on women, but that no woman has ever been as great as Ye Rumu, and can occupy a certain position in the world in a short period of time.

Ye Rumu teased and said, "Husband, I'm afraid we are the fewest of all the forces. Maybe we were besieged before we met the Poisonous Wolf Sect."

"Princess, I don't intend to take anyone with me as a husband." After knowing who he and Ye Rumu could fight, Baili Yao changed his mind.

Moreover, Ye Rumu sent half of the people to protect the Ye family, so something must have happened to the Ye family.

Then you can't take everyone away.

The Ye Mansion needs someone to protect it, and the Prince Regent's Mansion also needs someone to be there.

If they all left, the palace would be empty.

And the Yuexuan Pavilion was also empty.

This is quite a dangerous thing.

"Husband, we really have a tacit understanding and thought of going together." Ye Rumu was not surprised by Baili Yao's thoughts at all.

Because she thought the same way, but she couldn't justify not taking anyone with her.

Baili Yao also knew what she was thinking, raised his eyebrows and said, "The two of us are enough."

"Then what are we going to prepare?" Ye Rumu asked.

Just now, I thought that the preparation Baili Yao said was to prepare the manpower, so that a month later, what happened six years ago would be repeated.

(End of this chapter)

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