Chapter 242 Martial Arts Conference 3
"Ye Mansion, Prince Regent's Mansion, and Yuexuan Pavilion all need people to stay."

Ye Rumu nodded, Baili Yao was right.

There are only a hundred people in their hands, if they are sent out again, it will mean that the old nest is empty.

"There is also Xiaoye, I am worried about leaving him alone in the Prince Regent's Mansion, my lord, let's send Xiaoye to Yuexuan Pavilion." Ye Rumu suggested.

It is too dangerous to leave Ye Xiaoye alone, but it is even more dangerous to let Ye Xiaoye follow.

A sword has no eyes, and she cannot take risks.

"Where is Yuexuan Pavilion?" Baili Yao asked Ye Rumu about Yuexuan Pavilion for the first time.

"The border between Dongxing and Nanman." Ye Rumu didn't hide it from Baili Yao.

"Princess, time is running out. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time to send Xiaoye to Yuexuan Pavilion. Why don't you just let those six old men watch over you?" time.

It would be safer for those boring old men to watch.

Ye Rumu thought about it, "Okay."

She just forgot about the Cavalry Army.

It was an unborn army, so Baili Yao didn't include it in his sphere of influence.

He hoped that the iron cavalry army would fight north and south for a lifetime, and they could live peacefully in the days to come.

However, looking at Ye Xiaoye for help, I believe the six old men are very happy.

After it's settled, there won't be many problems, so Ye Rumu and Baili Yao have been very relaxed for the next month.

Bailiyu knew that after Baili Yao received the invitation letter of the martial arts conference, he once opposed Baili Yao's going. He didn't want to do this kind of thing anymore. If the Poison Wolf Sect was not wiped out, wouldn't it be the Poison Wolf Sect? People will come to kill him again!
In fact, Bailiyu thought too much. The person who went there a few years ago was Bailiyao, and he was looking for Bailiyao.

But Bailiyu was frightened by those people who died in such a tragic way, and was always in fear.

However, it was useless for Bailiyu to object, because everyone knew about it.

The Poisonous Wolf Sect is a cult, and everyone can punish it. Knowing that they will unite to eliminate the Poisonous Wolf Sect, they immediately supported the imperial court and sent people to go there.

As a last resort, Bailiyu just sent some people to Bailiyao casually, and left it alone.

Baili Yao didn't think it was better to go with these people than just two people.

Although there is nothing to worry about if two people go, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu are both people who don't like trouble, so they naturally hope that the less trouble the better. It's true that they were besieged before they even dealt with the Poisonous Wolf Sect.

For a while, everyone in the capital knew that the regent was going to replace the imperial court to eliminate the cult, and Baili Yao's voice became louder.

Especially after the poisonous wolf sect attacked the common people, the common people loved Baili Yao even more.

Such a vicious cult regent is willing to replace them to eliminate them, how great that is.

Bailiyu was almost out of breath for a while.

Why can Baili Yao be supported by the people no matter what he does, but he can't?

Why is that?
Bailiyu was very upset.

After so many years, even a prince has not been eliminated, and Bailiyu has begun to doubt his life.

No... this campaign is a good opportunity!

Taking advantage of the chaos to get someone to assassinate Baili Yao, I don't believe that this time it was not successful!

Thinking of the idea, Bailiyu excitedly called for someone to come and order the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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