Chapter 244 Martial Arts Conference 5
"What are you laughing at?" Baili Yao pinched Ye Rumu's face.

Ye Rumu opened it with one hand, "I'm laughing at you."

"Ye Xiaoye is like this, and I don't know who he looks like. My lord, you couldn't be like Ye Xiaoye when you were young, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, my husband studied literature at the age of three and martial arts at the age of five, how could he be like that scumbag who can't walk when he sees money." As he spoke, his eyes fell on Ye Rumu.

It seems to be saying that this habit is very similar to you.

Ye Rumu squinted her eyes. Although she likes money, she doesn't love money like Ye Xiaoye!

"Why are you looking at me like that? Let me tell you! Ye Xiaoye also practiced Wen at the age of three and martial arts at the age of four!" Ye Rumu said with some pride.

The age of practicing martial arts is one year younger than Baili Yao's.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, not bad."

"So, like you?" Ye Rumu concluded.

Baili Yao nodded, "My son, he's not like who I am."

Ye Rumu twitched her lips, okay, it's useless.

Ye Xiaoye said that the older he grows, the more he looks like Baili Yao!

There is still baby fat on the face now, and I can't quite see it, but if you look carefully, you can still find that the eyebrows are very similar.

Ye Rumu was actually a little sad, just now that stinky boy refused to stay and wanted to follow them, which made her moved for a long time, but Ye Xiaoye turned around and forgot about them, and he was having a good time.

Ye Rumu shook his head, his son couldn't help it.

"Don't think too much, let's go to the martial arts conference first." Baili Yao said.

Ye Rumu nodded. This time it was held near the Divine Knife Gate. The Divine Knife Gate is also a certain distance away.

After that, Baili Yao left first and waited for Ye Rumu at the gate of the city.

Baili Yao sat on the horse, behind him were the soldiers sent to him by Baili Yu.

I don't know what Baili Yao is waiting for here, but no one made a sound.

Taking advantage of this time, the family members of these male soldiers saw them off.

I don't know if I can come back this time, but whether I can come back or not, it is an honor to die for the country.

No one will refuse this honor.

In less than a stick of incense, Ye Rumu changed his title to be the master of Yuexuan Pavilion and appeared in front of everyone.

"Who is that man in white?"

someone asked.

"This... I don't know, he seems to be looking for the regent, is he a friend of the regent?" Someone replied.

"He's here, you'll know if you don't see it."

"Prince Regent." Ye Rumu's voice after taking the voice-changing drug became more masculine, but it still sounded feminine, but it didn't affect it.

It is just right to match his disguised appearance.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan." In order not to make people suspicious, or to simply respond to Ye Rumu, Baili Yao called out.

"So it's the Yuexuan Pavilion Master!"

"Really? Wow, this is the first time I have met the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, the legendary master of the Yuexuan Pavilion. Don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately.”

"That's right, the Assassin's Pavilion can still do this, and the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion is also a good person."

"Yes, some people are good people, no matter how much money the employer pays for the people from the Yuexuan Pavilion to kill, the owner of the Yuexuan Pavilion will not be moved!"

"Is it really as good as you say?" Someone also questioned.

"Wouldn't you know if you went to inquire about it? It looks like you don't care about Jianghu affairs. I didn't expect to meet Yuexuan Pavilion Master this time. Is she going to the martial arts conference like us?"

(End of this chapter)

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