Chapter 245 Martial Arts Conference 6
"It should be. Since it is a martial arts conference, then Yuexuan Pavilion, as a member of the martial arts, must go."

"Oh my god! I didn't expect that I would be able to walk with the Yuexuan Pavilion Master! It's really great!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect the regent and the master of the Yuexuan pavilion to know each other!"

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, and looked at the group of soldiers who were talking about her.

Baili Yao walked to a place beside her.

"Let's go." Baili Yao said.

"Okay." Ye Rumu responded, and galloped away.

Baili Yao hooked his lips slightly, with an inconspicuous arc, and said "Drive!", Baili Yao chased Ye Rumu away.

The soldiers behind quickly followed.

On both sides of the city gate, many soldiers were seeing off Baili Yao, praying that Baili Yao could wipe out the Poisonous Wolf Sect this time.

The Poisonous Wolf Cult has reached the point of wrath!
After Baili Yao and Ye Rumu left, a woman in the crowd lifted the white veil on her hat, revealing an overly coquettish face.

Heavy makeup was painted on her face, which made her already delicate and seductive face even more delicate.

She has a sharp chin that can stab people to death, a pair of eyes with narrow and long tails, a small and straight nose, and a small mouth painted scarlet.

There is a black lotus on her forehead, the black lotus is lifelike, as if it had grown on her forehead.

The woman painted Dan Kou's nails in bright red and tapped her face, and asked in a numb voice, "Ah Sheng, he is the regent of Dongxing, Baili Yao?"

The man who was called A Sheng bent slightly: "Return to the saint, yes, he is the regent Baili Yao."

"It is said that he has a concubine, what kind of person is he? What is his background?" It has been a few days since he came to Dongxing capital, and she overheard others discussing that he has a concubine.

"Back to the saint, the regent's concubine is the daughter of the richest businessman in Dongxing. It is said that she is still an illegitimate woman who married into the palace with a son whose father is unknown." Ah Sheng still bent over, respectfully replied.

Although Baili Yao has already announced to the world, Ye Xiaoye is his son, the eldest son of the Prince Regent's House, so he changed his name to Baili Ye.

However, everyone didn't believe that Ye Xiaoye was Baili Yao's biological child, they only thought that Baili Yao would recognize him as his adopted son.

After all, it's not that Baili Yao doesn't have women, but he doesn't even have a child.

People have enough to discuss in private.

"Oh? Then Baili Yao, do you have any children?" The woman looked at the back of Baili Yao riding the horse, and the strong wind blew up the hem of Baili Yao's gold-embroidered clothes, which was very elegant.

"Back to the saint, no." Ah Sheng replied again.

Ah Sheng is like a machine without emotion, it will answer all the questions of the master, but after answering the questions asked by the master, he will not say a word.

"Baili Yao, interesting. Is it a princess? Hehe, she's just an unfaithful woman who smells like copper all over her body." The woman raised her lips and sneered.

The bewitching face is full of enchantment.

No matter what other words Ah Sheng said, he only obeyed the order of the first-class woman.

"Ah Sheng, his concubine, you can help my holy lady to solve it." The enchanting woman ordered lightly.

Without asking why, Ah Sheng agreed as always.

"You are so obedient, you are so obedient~ You are much more obedient than Ale. Be good, Asheng, or I will throw you into the poisonous snake raised by this saint to accompany Ale~ If I remember correctly , Ah Le doesn't even have any bones left~
(End of this chapter)

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