Chapter 246 Martial Arts Conference 7
It's really pitiful, it's all because you didn't listen to your master, that's why you ended up like this~ As long as you are obedient, Asheng, this saint will let you stay by my side for a long time, you are such an obedient slave, this saint It's also hard to find.Ha ha. "The woman's numb voice sounded demonic.

The said Ah Sheng still didn't have any emotion of his own, only indifference.

However, when Ah Le was mentioned, Ah Sheng's eyes fluctuated a little.

This scene happened to be captured by the woman.

The woman smiled lowly.

"Hehehehe, A Sheng, you don't have to worry. A Le was punished by this saint just because she was disobedient. Don't worry, this saint is not willing to punish you." She will not let Ah Sheng die until she finds the next man to double-cultivate with her.

Ah Sheng obviously knew this truth, so he didn't say a word.

The woman looked in Baili Yao's direction again, and this time she could only see a cloud of dust flying up.

Hehe, I didn't expect to find the next prey so soon!
She must train him to be more obedient than Ah Sheng!


At night, in a separate pavilion in the lake, an enchanting woman leaned lazily on a wooden pillar, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Suddenly, during the day, the man named A Sheng flew up to the pavilion and knelt down to the woman, "Saint."

"How are things going?" The woman knew that Ah Sheng had never made a mistake, so she knew that this question was unnecessary.

So she didn't pay much attention to what Ah Sheng was going to say next, she thought it must mean that things were done.

"Your subordinate has failed in his mission, please ask the saint to punish him!" Ah Sheng said the word "failure" out of his mouth for the first time unexpectedly.

The red light in the enchanting woman's eyes flashed past, she suddenly exerted force fiercely, and swung violently.

Ah Sheng was blown away like a piece of rag!

It crashed into the lake with a huge impact!
The red and black eyes of the enchanting woman alternated, and the corners of her lips smiled cruelly: "Ah Sheng, you should know the temper of this saint."

Ah Sheng didn't dare to complain, he swam out of the water, climbed up to the gazebo, "Let the master handle it."

It was still a cold day, and the lake had just melted ice, but Asheng was able to stand up without saying a word after falling in, without even shaking.

"I am not an unreasonable person, I will give you a cup of tea and explain clearly." The enchanting woman turned around and continued to sit and lean on the wooden pillar.

"The princess regent is not in the palace of the regent prince." Ah Sheng explained briefly, explaining why he failed in one sentence.

The enchanting woman sneered, and suddenly the red light appeared in her eyes again, "If you're not in the Prince Regent's Mansion, you won't go look for it?"

"Ah Sheng will be punished by the master." That's all Ah Sheng said.

"Boring." The enchanting woman snorted.

Ah Sheng was still kneeling on the ground, the enchanting woman accidentally saw Ah Sheng's pale face, then stood up and approached him: "Ah Sheng, I can't blame you, it's cold, get up."

Ah Sheng had already gotten used to the ups and downs of this couple, so he still stood up without saying a word.

The enchanting woman blew into Ah Sheng's face, and said a little boringly: "I really regret that I have raised you all as puppets. It's useless at all. It's really boring."

Facing the flirting with the seductive woman, Ah Sheng still showed no expression at all.

The enchanting woman's eyes flashed, maybe she won't be transformed into a puppet for the next prey.


(End of this chapter)

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