Chapter 247 Martial Arts Conference 8
Baili Yao and Ye Rumu kept heading towards the Shendaomen. At night, they stayed in an inn and continued their journey the next morning.

One night after they had traveled for three days, the two of them and the soldiers of that group booked an inn to stay.

In the middle of the night, the Poisonous Wolf Sect suddenly attacked them!

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked like they were living in the same room, but they were actually living in the same room. Now that the Poisonous Wolf Sect came to attack, they were the first to wake up.

At first, they didn't know it was Poisonous Wolf Cult, but it was not hard to guess.

Today they were lucky, they entered a city, and the inn they stayed in was on a bustling street.

It is impossible for robbers to appear on such a street, so there are only two possibilities.

The first one was Baili Yu who sent someone out to assassinate Baili Yao.

However, it looks feasible, but the actual measurement does not work.

Because if Baili Yao died, Baili Yu would have to send another person to attend the martial arts conference.

His prince would not let them go, it would be good if they succeeded, but what if they failed?Then the Poisonous Wolf Sect will definitely retaliate wildly!As the father of the princes, the Poisonous Wolf Cult must be the first to take him down!

But it’s different for Baili Yao to go. He can be said that Bai Liyao asked to go. Bai Liyao’s voice is so loud in Dongxing, so he can go by himself. Wolf taught to kill Baili Yao.

However, how could the Poisonous Wolf Sect listen to someone's explanation? For them, killing anyone is the same.

Therefore, it does not exist in the saying that whoever is an enemy kills.

However, that was just Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's analysis of Bailiyu's character.

There are also people from the Poisonous Wolf Sect. The Poisonous Wolf Sect does not want Pavilion Master Yuexuan and the Regent to go to the martial arts conference completely, and will definitely send people to assassinate them.

Compared with the first one, the second one is more reliable.

"Oops, what about those soldiers?" Ye Rumu frowned and asked worriedly.

Those soldiers were innocent, so many lives.

"Let's go out." Baili Yao said, the soldiers outside were desperately preventing those people from coming in, and they couldn't just hide in the room.

Although the soldiers were sent by Bailiyu, they were citizens of Dongxing.Moreover, Bailiyu wanted Bailiyao to die. How could those people have martial arts? Bailiyu would not really send someone with martial arts to accompany him to the martial arts conference to participate in the siege and suppression of Poisonous Wolf Sect.

"it is good."

The two opened the door and went out, and immediately there were countless people in black clothes and ghost masks rushing towards them.

"It's the Poisonous Wolf Cult." Sure enough, there was nothing wrong.

Ye Rumu doesn't use a sword. As an agent in her previous life, the most convenient thing to use was a hidden weapon.

Therefore, before those people got close to Ye Rumu, their lives were already ended by Ye Rumu's hidden weapon!
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao are like harvesters of human life, no one can stand wherever they pass.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, and they both thought that the people sent by the Poison Wolf Sect were so crispy.

But I didn't think too much about it. Cleaning up people as soon as possible is the real business.

Baili Yao cut off the last member of the Poisonous Wolf Cult and approached Ye Rumu.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, tell me how to do it." In front of outsiders, Baili Yao still asked Ye Rumu to be the Pavilion Master of Yuexuan Pavilion, so as not to be known that Ye Rumu was the Master of Pavilion Yuexuan, and the master of Pavilion Yuexuan was Ye Rumu. Mu.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I think it's better for us to leave." Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes and suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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