Chapter 248 Martial Arts Conference 8
Maybe the Poisonous Wolf Sect just sent some insignificant members of the Sect to lead the charge this time, and let them get tired before sending the second batch of people.

If the guess is correct, other people who rushed to the martial arts conference are also being attacked by the Poisonous Wolf Sect.

"Regent, didn't you wipe out the Poisonous Wolf Sect six years ago? Why are there so many members?" Ye Rumu asked the doubts in his heart.

"Six years of recuperation is enough." Baili Yao replied.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Poisonous Wolf Cult actually endured it for six years!
Ye Rumu didn't know much about what happened six years ago, because she only came here almost five years ago, and when she came, she was a blank slate to the world, and everything she knew was learned later.

You know what you hear from others, but you naturally don’t have the understanding to do it yourself.

"My lord, there are only fifty brothers left..." A leader inspected everyone, counted the casualties, and went forward to report to Baili Yao.

"Bury well." Baili Yao only said this.

"Yes!" The leader said gratefully.

If you meet other masters, you may just abandon them, after all, they are all dead, but Baili Yao, let people have a good burial!

If you want to bury them, then you can't leave now.

Ye Rumu was silent and did not speak.

The soldiers came to block the water and the earth, and she couldn't be absolutely ruthless to let them die here.

Baili Yao also understood this, but felt very guilty for putting Ye Rumu in a dangerous situation.

He whispered to Ye Rumu: "Lady, you get out of here first, it's too dangerous. The Poisonous Wolf Sect will come back at any time."

Ye Rumu shook his head, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You are here, where else can I go?"

Baili Yao was a little helpless, "Lady, you go first, I will catch up with you soon."

"Baili Yao, if you still drive me away! I'll go back and take Ye Xiaoye away immediately!" Ye Rumu threatened.

But apparently, it worked.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu helplessly, but was reluctant to say a serious word.

That's all, he will do his best to protect her later.

As long as he is there, no one can hurt her!
Before they could finish disposing of the soldier's corpse, the Poisonous Wolf Sect sent another person.

The ones just now were really just probing, but the ones who came this time are far more powerful than the ones who came the first time!
Ye Rumu and Baili Yao stood at the front.

If the soldiers continue to fight against them, it is estimated that they will only be wiped out.

After finally killing all the members of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, there were only a handful of soldiers left.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao, waiting for him to make a decision.

Baili Yao looked at the casualties and said it was impossible to say no.

Bai Liyao ordered: "Jia Yingcai, you don't need to follow me to the martial arts conference, just follow me here, and you will go back tomorrow!"

Jia Yingcai was the leader of these soldiers, the one who reported to Baili Yao.

Jia Yingcai was taken aback when he heard this, "My lord... how can I do that! The subordinates have to protect you to the Shendaomen!"

"You don't need to follow me. If you follow me, all of you will be wiped out." There are too many enemies and it is impossible to protect them completely, so it is completely to die.

And, protect him...

It's a completely reversed role.

Jia Yingcai only realized after she finished speaking that the regent is using them for protection, as long as they don't hold back...

(End of this chapter)

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