Chapter 249 Martial Arts Conference 10
After finishing the matter at the inn, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu set off immediately, while the soldiers walked back.

Originally, it was Baili Yao and Ye Rumu who were looking for trouble from the Poisonous Wolf Cult, so the soldiers would be safe after they left.


It was still the pavilion in the lake, Asheng walked towards the enchanting woman, and told: "Saint, Baili Yao and Pavilion Master Yuexuan have escaped."

"Oh." The enchanting woman's tone was not surprised at all, as if she knew it all along.

The enchanting woman smiled, she is indeed the one she likes!Really good.



"Stop letting people hunt them down."


Ah Sheng had no expression on his face, and immediately retreated after hearing the words of the enchanting woman.

The enchanting woman smiled, hehe, I don't know how many people can reach this martial arts conference safely.

It's time for her to go.


Baili Yao and Ye Rumu met several waves of people with the same purpose along the way, and without exception, they were attacked by wave after wave of followers of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, and each wave was stronger than the last.

The casualties were heavy, and the rest of the people were all better at martial arts.

When encountering such a thing now, we simply leave together after encountering it.

It's just strange that as long as they meet Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, those people don't make any moves, and the journey goes smoothly.

If not for the heavy losses, they would have thought that the Poisonous Wolf Cult was just a dream.

After that, quite a few people joined them, and without exception, the Poisonous Wolf Sect gave up attacking again.

There are too many things like this, and some people will become suspicious.

After all, it seems that as long as they meet Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, they will not be attacked. Anyone who sees this situation will think that Ye Rumu and Baili Yao did it.

Of course, it's also possible that they didn't make a move because they saw that there were so many people gathered together.

It's just that people who are overworked and overstretched can't think of so much.

A sect master of the Skyhawk Sect, who also established a killer force as famous as Yuexuan Pavilion, said in front of everyone with yin and yang, "Hehe, we are really lucky to meet the regent after being hunted down for so long. Wang and Pavilion Master Yuexuan, those who were chasing after him disappeared immediately. Regent King, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, thank you very much."

He said thanks, but the tone of gnashing of teeth made people feel uncomfortable.

However, no one here is on the side of Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, so it is impossible to feel uncomfortable or something.

The other people were already dissatisfied, but now the head of the Tianying Gate opened the door first, as if the first firecracker was lit, and all the others behind them rang.

"Brother Tianying said, if it wasn't for the fact that I was on the verge of life and death a few days ago, and the past few days have been so smooth, I would have thought I was dreaming! Hehe, I really want to thank the Regent King and the Yuexuan Pavilion Master. "

The thank you said later by this person is even more ironic.

Whether it is thanks or not, everyone knows it well.

But they are full of anger at the moment, which person they bring is not an elite?But now that the loss is so heavy, no one is happy.

When someone opened their mouths, they ignored the King Regent's iron-blooded methods and Yuexuan Pavilion Master's resolute actions.

"Bah! Thank you, the two of them were the only ones who didn't get attacked on this journey, I figured with my toes that it was their fault!

(End of this chapter)

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