Chapter 256 Martial Arts Conference 17
Especially the kind of old rivers and lakes.

"I don't blame you for thinking so. If it weren't for us, you would be the object of your suspicion. I would think so."

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan means that there are other secrets?" Tianying, the master of the Skyhawk Sect, asked first.

Here, some famous people belong to Tianying, Baili Yao, Ye Rumu, and the elderly Zhang Yong. The others are all from the small and medium sects in the Jianghu. It's just that no one has done it this time. miss.

No matter how big or small the sect is, Jun Moli has sent invitation letters.


"That Yuexuan pavilion master, can you tell me what is hidden?"

"This pavilion master is about to talk about this matter. You see that we are not at all embarrassed all the way here, are we not as embarrassed as you all the way? Regarding this point, this pavilion master can only say that there is no way, who told us to use martial arts? As for Gao Qiang, he didn't even touch the corner of our clothes."

Everyone: "..."

What does this mean?despise them?

Everyone looked at each other one after another, conveying the message, do you want to beat up this ignorant brat first?

Ye Rumu smiled, "Don't think that the master of the pavilion looks down on you, the master of the pavilion just looks down on you!"

Everyone: "..." Is this fucking explanation, turning a corner, or scolding them openly?

"Well, let's not talk so much nonsense. You are wondering why only two people came, the master of the pavilion and the regent. In fact, we brought a lot of people before. After being attacked by the poisonous wolf sect many times, we directly Let the remaining people go back. After meeting you, the Poisonous Wolf Sect will no longer attack us. I think you are also a little confused about the purpose of it? Who will benefit from doing this?"

"If we are really the minions of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, why do we make it so obvious? Although you look like you haven't read the sage books, you are still smart. Think about it."

Everyone: "..."

He scolded them clearly again!
But they can't do anything!
"Pavilion Master Yuexuan means that the Poisonous Wolf Cult... wants us to have internal strife?" Tianying concluded.

"That's right." Ye Rumu nodded, with a look of admiration that you are the only one in the group who is smart.

Blow up the others again...

But, eh?They found that they were all angry when they were angry!magic!

"What Pavilion Master Yuexuan said is not unreasonable." Tianying nodded.

If the Poisonous Wolf Sect wanted to do this, it would indeed be like this, but what if the Regent and the others just wanted to gain their trust, so they deliberately did it with such loopholes?
It's impossible to think about it, Baili Yao is the prince of a country!
Having fought countless battles, large and small, he must hope that Dongxing will be better. Not long ago, the Poison Wolf Sect wantonly killed people in Dongxing!

The others also nodded, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu are so powerful, if there is no other way, they will not alienate these two great helpers.

With them around, the result is twice the result with half the effort, and the Poisonous Wolf Cult can be wiped out sooner!

Although the enemies of the Poisonous Wolf Sect are the entire rivers and lakes and the entire continent, there are not many people who can really take the lead.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so many years that the Poisonous Wolf Sect was not wiped out, and it was allowed to grow stronger.

There is no other way.

The entire continent cannot deal with a sect.

The entire continent is the enemy of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, so it doesn't matter who the Poisonous Wolf Cult takes revenge on, as long as it's not one of our own.

(End of this chapter)

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