Chapter 257 Martial Arts Conference 18
"So, do you understand what to do?" Ye Rumu finally asked.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, we can't completely believe what you said." At this time, an unremarkable person in the crowd suddenly said.

But in fact, this is also the voice of others.

"He's right, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, how can you prove your innocence?"

"That's right, Pavilion Master Yuexuan and Regent, it's not that we want to doubt you on purpose, but that people have ulterior motives, so we have to guard against them!"

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes and looked at the person who spoke first.

I have worked hard here for a long time, and the man's words resonated.

Forget it, Ye Rumu said: "Since this is the case, you are worried that the pavilion master and the prince regent are spies, so let's separate here and see you at Shendaomen."

After Ye Rumu finished speaking, Baili Yao also said: "If you are worried, you can go first."

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, Prince Xiaoyao, what do you mean by this? Is it so difficult for you to prove it? Or are you guilty of guilt?"

This time, it was the one who spoke first.

Ye Rumu frowned fiercely, "If you don't accept the explanation, it's all up to the owner of the pavilion to be happy, so what if it's a guilty conscience?"

Ye Rumu didn't explain at all, even if they met the Poisonous Wolf Sect, they could handle it with ease with their own skills, so why waste time with them.

Baili Yao thought the same way, originally he didn't like to have too much contact with strangers, not to mention that this is his chance to spend time alone with his wife, and he doesn't want anyone to disturb him.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan admits this?"

"Yes, I admit it, how about it?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked speechlessly.

It doesn't matter if it is or not, they still can't do anything to her.

"Ah? I didn't expect Pavilion Master Yuexuan and the Regent to be from the Poisonous Wolf Cult! Oh my God!" Someone exclaimed.

Some people didn't believe it, "What nonsense are you talking about, I'm afraid I was annoyed by us, so I just said it casually."

"Can this kind of thing be said casually? Seeing how confident they are, I'm afraid they were sent by the Poisonous Wolf Cult. Maybe the Poisonous Wolf Cult's people are still in ambush nearby. Brother Tianying, you are the only one with the highest prestige here. Tell me, what should you do next?"

Someone called Tianying, and others also looked at Tianying.

That's right, this place belongs to the head of the Tianying Sect who has the highest martial arts and is also righteous.

Tianying frowned with rough and thick eyebrows, "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, Regent, are you joking? You talk nonsense, have you thought about the consequences?"

"I'm not kidding, master of Tianying sect, what are the consequences?" Ye Rumu asked with interest, playing with his heart.

Baili Yao also said: "What if it's a joke, so what if it's not?" Anyway, aren't you all good?So what is it like?
"I didn't expect you to be like this! Colluding with the Poisonous Wolf Cult means making enemies of the entire continent! You should think about it!"

Tianying is worthy of being a righteous person in the rivers and lakes. At this time, his eyes were cold and sharp, and he looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao seriously, as if he was going to fight them desperately in the next second.

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched, and it took a long time before he said, "Are we the minions of the Poisonous Wolf Sect? You can't say it or not, so why bother talking? They don't understand whether we are the minions of the Poisonous Wolf Sect.
(End of this chapter)

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