Chapter 262 Martial Arts Conference
As soon as Ye Rumu's hand touched the door, the door was opened.

Ye Rumu was stunned for a moment, the people outside smiled gently, and came in with food in their hands, "Lady, you're awake."

"Yeah." Ye Rumu nodded in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yao sensed that something was wrong with her, so he asked.

"It's okay." Ye Rumu shook his head, and with the faint light in the corridor, Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao's hazy black figure in the dim light.

Baili Yao put down the food, lit a candle, turned around and saw Ye Rumu staring at him, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a half-smile: "My lady, is your husband good-looking?"

Ye Rumu nodded subconsciously, but said in his mouth, "It's okay."

"It's just okay?" Baili Yao was not satisfied, he wouldn't care what others said, but he cared about every word Ye Rumu said and took it to heart.

"Huh? Then what do you think?" Ye Rumu threw the question to Baili Yao.

But she never thought that Baili Yao would be so narcissistic...

Baili Yao said: "Naturally, this person should exist in the sky, and it's rare to hear about it in the world."

"... Shameless!" Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

"Okay, let's come over to eat first." Baili Yao stepped forward and pulled Ye Rumu over.

"..." She will go by herself!

But I didn't say too much, and it would be hypocritical to say too much.

Baili Yao's dining etiquette is really good, and it is a pleasure to watch him eat.

And Ye Rumu, because of his previous career, everything must be done in the shortest time, even if you eat a steamed bun, I will finish it within three seconds!So she also developed the habit of eating quickly.

It's just that she has left now, so she started to slow down after coming here.

But if you slow seems to be eating faster than the average woman...

However, she is not an ordinary woman, the sons and daughters of the world don't care about trivial matters... Ye Rumu can only comfort himself in this way.

"Baili Yao, what's the matter with your physical condition?" This is the second time she has met her, but what if there is no her?What should Baili Yao do?
Baili Yao's eyes flickered, "This is an old problem, it's okay."

"It's okay? You're only so old and you've got a problem! What else is okay, don't lie to me!" Ye Rumu couldn't believe Baili Yao's words.

If nothing happened, how could Baili Yao look so painful!

"Baili Yao!" Seeing that he didn't plan to say it yet, Ye Rumu was a little annoyed.

Baili Yao closed his eyes, put down his chopsticks, "I don't want to hide from you."

"I know, but we are husband and wife, aren't we? You don't have to hide it from me." Ye Rumu said sincerely.

Baili Yao stared at Ye Rumu's face for a moment, then nodded, "Okay." Let me tell you, just because we are husband and wife.

"I have been poisoned by fire for many years. I heard that only water spirit beads can cure it. Therefore, I have searched for many years, but there is no trace. Until five years ago, it was reported that the water spirit beads were in Zhancheng, but I was careful. I was still attacked by someone, which caused my internal energy to flow backwards, and I went crazy, and then I met you..."

Baili Yao described it lightly, and said it lightly, but only he himself knew the pain.

Although the fire poison does not occur often, it is enough to make people linger in the near death.

(End of this chapter)

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