Chapter 263 Martial Arts Conference
After hearing this, Ye Rumu felt pain in her heart, she let out a breath, and took out the water spirit beads on her body.

Pass it to Baili Yao, "It might be better if you take it with you."

Baili Yao frowned and shook his head, "Lady, I'm telling you this for my husband, I don't want it."

"I know, but you take it, I'm very relieved!" Ye Rumu didn't think of taking it out because it was Baili Yao who said it. If he had known earlier, he would have given it to Baili Yao early on. caught.

The water spirit bead is a useless bead to her, but it is different for Baili Yao, it will be a life-saving medicine for Baili Yao.

Baili Yao held Ye Rumu's hand holding the water spirit bead, and pushed towards Ye Rumu: "You can hold it, we will always be together."

As long as we are always together, what does it matter in whose hands?

"However, if we happen to be separated, you will be poisoned." Although he doesn't know what fire poison is, Baili Yao's appearance and pain mean that fire poison is not simple!
Otherwise, how could someone as happy as Baili Yao show such a painful expression.

"I won't be separated, my husband will always be with you." Baili Yao's eyes gradually deepened, the dark eyes were like a whirlpool, bottomless.

But Ye Rumu can understand Baili Yao, which may be a kind of tacit understanding.

Ye Rumu hummed, but didn't say anything more.

Since this is the case, then try not to separate them in the future, and just go together wherever they go.

However, Ye Rumu still couldn't stop worrying. It seems that when this matter is over, he will go back to the old man.

"We've been delayed for a day, so we'll have a rest tonight, and we'll continue our journey tomorrow," Ye Rumu said.

Baili Yao nodded, "Okay, time is running out."

If you can't go there according to the time, you will miss a lot of things.

After eating and washing up, they went to bed early.

Little did they know, someone had been watching them outside the inn.

This is a place full of people, so even if someone is watching, as long as it is not obvious, it is unlikely to be noticed.

Ah Sheng watched the lights in the room above go out, left expressionlessly, and came to the pavilion in the lake where the saint had been staying.


The enchanting woman known as the saint raised her seductive eyes and asked lightly, "Say."

"According to your plan, Baili Yao has been separated from the others, but that Pavilion Master Yuexuan is still with Baili Yao."

"Oh, I see, you go down." The enchanting woman waved her hand indifferently, as long as she was separated from the others, that's fine. It doesn't matter.

Anyway, if she wanted Baili Yao, she would have to wait for this matter to pass.

"Yes, Holy Maiden." Ah Sheng turned around, and the moment he turned around, a look of humiliation appeared on his expressionless face, but it was only for a moment, and he restrained himself very well.

When that Baili Yao came, one can imagine his consequences!

It must be the same as the men who practiced together before this vicious saint!

Ah Sheng closed his eyes, and the humiliation and hatred in his eyes disappeared completely.

Continue to be expressionless, like a puppet to perform the mission of the saint.

The saint watched Asheng's back go away before she looked away. Ever since she saw Baili Yao, she had lost interest in Asheng. It's not bad to keep Asheng to do what she told her.

(End of this chapter)

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