Chapter 264 Martial Arts Conference 25
Thinking of Baili Yao, she couldn't wait to have him!

The next day, without too much delay, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao rushed to the west where the Shendao Gate is located, which is very close to Xiwu Kingdom.

When thinking of Xiwu Country, one must think of the two brothers and sisters Feng Xi and Feng Xie.

"Baili Yao, who do you think is the person sent by Xiwu Kingdom this time?" Ye Rumu asked.

I didn't do a deliberate investigation before, so I asked this question.

Generally, Baili Yao knows many things that Ye Rumu didn't deliberately take care of, so this matter is not included, Baili Yao said: "Feng Xie."

"Puff...cough cough..." Ye Rumu almost choked on his own saliva when he heard the name.

"Feng Xie?"

"Hmm." Baili Yao was a little helpless, "Lady, I can choke on my own saliva no matter what, why don't you ride with Wei Husband."

Ye Rumu was a little speechless, what does the choking on saliva have to do with his fellow passengers?

"Don't make trouble! Why is it Feng Xie?" Ye Rumu asked.

"Feng Xie is the prince who attracts the most attention from Xiwu. This time, of course he will take advantage of this opportunity to come here, so that the ministers of the court can be convinced, and the old emperor Xiwu can help him to the throne."

Ye Rumu nodded, what he said made sense.

It's just that she has never cared about these things, and she doesn't know much about the affairs of the court.

What she knew was that Baili Yao had no intention of taking the throne.

Bailiyu couldn't help Baili Yao, and if Baili Yao wanted to sit on it, it would be easy.

I believe that the people are more convinced by Baili Yao.

But this is exactly what Ye Rumu wants, and sitting in the highest position will not be happy.

"We and Feng Xie can be regarded as enemies, this time Feng Xie can guess that it is you, you have to be careful."

"Miss, we have to be careful." Baili Yao corrected lightly.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said, "I am the Lord of the Yuexuan Pavilion, His Royal Highness the Regent."

"..." Baili Yao.

Early this morning, Ye Rumu changed back to the clothes marked by the owner of the Yuexuan Pavilion. Now that he has changed his identity, Feng Xie's target is indeed only him.

Baili Yao was a little amused, "Is that lady going to abandon her husband?"

"I can't say that, how could the master of this pavilion abandon his wife?"

As soon as Ye Rumu's words came out, Baili Yao's face turned dark.


"Yes, ma'am, we are all men now." Ye Rumu reminded with a smile.

Baili Yao didn't answer, looking at Ye Rumu with a dangerous look in his eyes, heh, the little girl has grown courageous, I really want to prove now who is the "Madam".

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao deflated with a smile, and didn't speak.

As for the danger... Ye Rumu automatically ignored it, and Baili Yao couldn't do anything to her anyway...

Well, Ye Rumu feels that she is getting more and more proud...

The corners of his lips twitched, as if it seemed to be true.

"Bailiyao, where Fengxie appears, there is Fengxi, what do you think?" Ye Rumu's eyes flashed brightly.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu, feeling a little helpless, "What do you think my wife would like to be your husband?"

"For example, when an old lover meets tears or something." Ye Rumu rubbed his chin and said teasingly.

Baili Yao's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Old lover? Meet? Weeping tears? Ma'am, you have a good imagination."

Seeing Baili Yao grit his teeth, Ye Rumu felt a little guilty.

But he still stiffened his neck and said: "The master of the pavilion also thinks it is good, thank you for the compliment."

Baili Yao had an indifferent face, saying that you are fat and you are still panting!
(End of this chapter)

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