Chapter 266 Martial Arts Conference 27
Ye Rumu shrugged and went out with Baili Yao.

After going out, Ye Rumu burst into a smile.

Baili Yao nodded her forehead, "Very happy?"

"It's okay." Ye Rumu responded with raised eyebrows.

"It is estimated that we are the only ones who can be so confident."

"It's you, not the king."

Ye Rumu squinted, what he said seemed to be true.


Although the actual date has arrived, there are still many people who have not reached Endless Peak.So waited a few more days.

By the time everyone arrives, there are only a handful of people who can arrive.

Some even came here alone like Ye Rumu and Baili Yao.

I wanted someone to talk about it before, but I didn't dare to speak when I saw that several of them came alone.

Even if they didn't come alone, there are not many people left.

Ye Rumu was fine and concerned about who came from Xiwu country. On the last day, he finally met the people sent by Xiwu country as he wished. It was Feng Xie and Feng Xi who were no surprises.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips curled up, as expected, he guessed right, it would really be them.

Ye Rumu raised an eyebrow at Baili Yao, "My lord."

Then he motioned Baili Yao to look over with his eyes.

Baili Yao didn't even look at it, and only knew who was coming from Ye Rumu's expression.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, what's so interesting about those people, you should just look at me."

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched, looking at what's nice every day... although it's pretty good.

While Ye Rumu was thinking, Feng Xie and Feng Xi had already walked towards them.

"Prince Regent, long time no see." Feng Xie greeted in a strange way.

Coupled with his cold breath, people can't help frowning.

"Prince Fengxie."

"My lord..." Feng Xi looked at Baili Yao affectionately.

Even though Baili Yao didn't want to marry her, she still couldn't forget Baili Yao, especially Baili Yao's face, which was her favorite thing.

Feng Xie violently pulled Feng Xi back, and gave her a hard look.

I really don't know what's so good about Baili Yao!It made Fengxi miss her so much, even though Baili Yao treated her like that, he still didn't know how to repent!

Only at the beginning, it seemed that he didn't like Baili Yao on the surface, but who knew that he couldn't forget Baili Yao again within three days after going back.

"Brother Huang...don't pull me!" Feng Xi was still dissatisfied.

Feng Xie looked at her coldly, Feng Xi was startled, and quickly lowered her head and stopped talking.

He only secretly looked at Baili Yao.

It's good that the woman Ye Rumu didn't come, she couldn't believe that there was no Ye Rumu's seductive son blocking her, she is so beautiful, she still can't hook up with Baili Yao!

No matter how Baili Yao hurt her, the more she resisted her, the more she wanted Baili Yao!
Ever since she was a child, has she ever wanted anything she wanted?Only Baili Yao!She couldn't take it for a long time!

Of course she won't just let it go!

As for the reputation in Dongxing country?what is that?Anyway, she is from Xiwu!
In Xiwu, she is a beloved and respected first princess, as long as she is the first princess!

Ye Rumu looked at Feng Xi's expression and the corners of his mouth twitched. Feng Xi thought she wasn't here...

However, even if she stood in front of her, she would not recognize him.

"Prince Regent, don't think that you have some ability, you can bully my country of Xiwu like this! After this incident is over, it will be your contest with this prince." Feng Xie sneered.

"We'll wait and see." Baili Yao was fearless.

(End of this chapter)

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