Chapter 267 Martial Arts Conference 28
"Prince Regent, don't be too complacent! Do you think there is nothing I can do about you? The national power of Dongxing and Xiwu is almost the same, and it is not certain who will win!"

"The contest is between you and me, so why involve the country." Baili Yao frowned and said.

"Heh, the Regent is really naive. Wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to swallow your Dongxing Kingdom?" Feng Xie lowered her voice and said confidently.

It was as if he had already captured Dongxing Kingdom.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows. If such a fight is really necessary, then why should Dongxing be afraid?
"This king is still the same sentence, we will wait and see. The sentence that Prince Fengxie said is very good, whoever loses will win, it is not certain."

"Hmph!" Feng Xie flicked the cloak violently, and pulled Feng Xi away.

"Brother Huang, why are you talking to Baili Yao like this!" Feng Xi was dissatisfied.

"My little princess, if Dongxing is gone, then Baili Yao will be our prisoner of war. When the time comes, you can take whatever you want, and throw it away if you want, how about it?" Feng Xie laughed evilly, as if victory was just around the corner.

"Brother Huang, you are right! In fact, I was so miserable in Dongxing because of that woman Ye Rumu! If she hadn't accepted the imperial decree on her own initiative, then how could I be so ashamed, and how could the regent marry me? I didn't even prepare? I thought about it later, and it must be that Ye Rumu didn't tell the regent the truth, so the regent didn't know about it. I heard that Dongxing's folk customs are not as open as ours in Xiwu. Women should be reserved, and the regent The king must have been frightened by seeing me so unreserved!"

"In short, it's all because of that Ye Rumu! Brother, after we conquer Dongxing Kingdom, you have to hand over Ye Rumu to me! I want to return all the humiliation she put on me! Let her I know, not everyone can be offended by her! Now that I think about it, I sincerely regarded her as my sister at that time, and I was ready to live with her and the prince for the rest of my life. Who knew that she was such a She has a lot of scheming, and there are women who can't tolerate people in her eyes!"

Feng Xi analyzed angrily, and eliminated Baili Yao. All the mistakes were made by Ye Rumu, and Baili Yao was just deceived.

"Xi'er, what you said is not unreasonable, but as long as I help you level Dongxing, it doesn't matter if you want anything or not?" Feng Xie secretly defended.

"Hee hee, brother emperor, you are so kind to me."

"Nonsense, you are my sister, who would you be good to if you are not good to you?" And she is the closest sister.

"Yeah, Brother Huang, will you always be nice to me?"

"Of course, the emperor will treat you well for the rest of his life."


Behind, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao looked at each other, if it wasn't for the fact that they were good at martial arts and deliberately listened to the conversation between Feng Xi and Feng Xie, or that Feng Xi and Feng Xie didn't intend to lower their voices at all.

They can't hear it either.

Ye Rumu was in a mess in the wind, this Fengxi really knows how to imagine!

"My lord, you are really a good person." At least in Feng Xi's eyes.

"In your eyes, isn't this king?" Baili Yao also heard the discussion between Feng Xi and Feng Xie just now, his face turned black, and he actually wanted to imprison him!
"...It's okay..." Ye Rumu didn't know what to say to Baili Yao.

However, it was true to be nice to her, but how could he ask so bluntly?

"Just okay?" Obviously, Baili Yao was not very satisfied.

"Hey? It seems that someone is calling me, my lord, the master of this pavilion is going out to catch up on the old days."

(End of this chapter)

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