Chapter 268 Martial Arts Conference 29
Ye Rumu quickly flashed away.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu's back a little funny, but she didn't expect her wife to be so shy.

Thinking of this, his eyes were a little deep, and the corners of his lips smiled wryly.

I don't know when I will be able to eat meat.


Because it is not a serious martial arts conference, and there is no martial arts leader, this martial arts conference is a martial arts conference in name, but in fact it is just to call everyone to come.

So naturally, there was no traditional leader selection and competition in the past, but directly talked about Jun Moli, told the old den and all the strongholds of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, and then let everyone act.

I have to say, I have to obey Jun Moli.

In the short time since the Poisonous Wolf Cult came into existence, they have actually found out all the strongholds of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, large and small!
Ye Rumu knew that Jun Moli must have confirmed many times that there were no other strongholds before he announced it. This is why the Poisonous Wolf Sect attacked the people who came here. Jun Moli knew their lair Now, if they don't come to stop them, then they will be finished.

Until now, Jun Moli had confirmed the people present before he dared to speak out, otherwise all efforts would be in vain if someone went to inform them.

As long as one person is missed, the Poisonous Wolf Cult may make a comeback, but there will be no trouble.

Those who dare to come out to make trouble now, Jun Moli expected that the leaders of the Poisonous Wolf Cult before were not dead, so the current situation will appear.

However, with such a big move this time, it is estimated that the Poisonous Wolf Cult will not wait in the lair for someone to come to their door like it did six years ago. This time, it may take the initiative to attack.

But that was a good thing for them in the first place, because they didn't have to run around to find the stronghold of the Poisonous Wolf Cult.

But now, there are very few people left who have been attacked. If they are surrounded by the Poisonous Wolf Sect, the chances of victory may be much less.

Therefore, Jun Moli looked at Baili Yao. Baili Yao could have such a high status in Dongxing, so it must not be easy. Jun Moli asked, "Prince Regent, what do you think?"

"You make arrangements, this time, the king will be a subordinate." Baili Yao said lightly.

"Oh, interesting. Don't be joking, Lord Regent."

"The Poisonous Wolf Sect massacred people in the martial arts world, and the people of the four countries. Everyone got it and punished them." Baili Yao said something that everyone knew.

Then he said: "If you have any arrangements for the master, please tell me."

In Dongxing Kingdom, it is Baili Yao who has the highest voice, but this is not Dongxing Kingdom, and there is no need for Baili Yao to make that headline.

Jun Moli is the one who has the most voice in the martial arts world, and everyone who comes to Jun Moli can be convinced by this incident.

If it were Jun Moli, the first one who was not convinced would be Xiwu Fengxie.

There are several other countries that are not necessarily convinced.

After all, there are constant struggles among several countries, and they are mortal enemies on the battlefield. No matter what the occasion, they will not let Baili Yao wish.

Well, it's better not to say anything at all.

Ye Rumu also agrees with Baili Yao's approach.

She has been in martial arts a lot, like in this kind of circle, if she fails, all the blame will be pointed at Baili Yao, and Mo Jinxi doesn't want to see such a result.

After all, Jianghu people will not reason with you.

It doesn't make sense at all.

As long as your fist is hard, you are right!
This is an unchanging rule.

(End of this chapter)

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