Chapter 269 Martial Arts Conference 30
"The prince regent has fought on the battlefield for many years, and he must have wisdom that those present don't have." Jun Moli continued.

Obviously, Jun Moli didn't want to let Baili Yao go just like that.

Bai Liyao's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "The master of the military sect is joking. This king is just a reckless man who can only command operations in an open and aboveboard manner. There is nothing I can do about a street rat like the Poisonous Wolf Sect."

Ye Rumu almost burst out laughing, Baili Yao is really cruel, he even compared himself to a reckless man!
But now no one can laugh, only Feng Xi, looking at Bai Li Yao intoxicated, praised Bai Li Yao to Feng Xie beside him.

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, why doesn't this girl have a long memory!
Can't tell that Baili Yao doesn't like her!

However, Ye Rumu didn't want to worry about it anymore, even if Feng Xi was jumping around, she couldn't help her.

What's more, she even knows Feng Xi's next plan, isn't it just to flatten Dongxing and snatch Baili Yao over there.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched. It is not so easy to flatten Dongxing!

"The regent's words are wrong."

"Is there any difference between us now and fighting on the battlefield? We are all here to defend our relatives, friends, and country." Jun Moli retorted lightly.

Ye Rumu frowned, and looked at Jun Moli puzzled, wondering why Jun Moli insisted on going against Baili Yao.

Jun Moli and Baili Yao, is there any festival?
Mo Jinxi looked at Baili Yao suspiciously.

Baili Yao shook his head slightly at her, indicating that it was okay.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, it didn't look like he was okay.

Baili Yao said: "The difference, this king has already said it just now."

"But, Your Royal Highness, that is not a reason."

Jun Moli is biting Baili Yao to death.

"Master Jun, you were the one who made the decision in the past, so why leave this responsibility to others now?" Feng Xi couldn't stand it anymore, and asked angrily.

Jun Moli laughed.

"You! What are you laughing at! Stop for this princess!" Feng Xi pouted and shouted angrily.

This untouchable, what are you laughing at!
Although she is pretty, she still likes Baili Yao!
"The responsibility of the sect master? Princess Xiwu, what you said is really funny."

"That's right, it's everyone's responsibility! No matter what kind of ghost princess you are, you will give me peace when you come here! Don't talk nonsense, these things are beyond your control!" Immediately, someone came out to agree with Jun. If Mo Li said something, he would teach Feng Xi a few words casually.

Feng Xi blushed, and muttered: "It's not your responsibility, but you summoned everyone! Why do you make things difficult for the regent!"

However, no one paid any attention to what Feng Xi said.

Feng Xi was not convinced, besides Ye Rumu's anger, who else could make her feel angry!These untouchables!I don't know good from bad!She is the most honorable princess in the West Country!

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched a little, this Fengxi is really stupid!
Everyone knows that Jun Moli is only responsible for calling everyone over, but other people's opinions are also acceptable, but they are very convinced of Jun Moli!

Just because Jun Moli is young, but can occupy the biggest seat in the Jianghu, no matter where he goes, he can be treated with courtesy.

But it doesn't mean that this matter is only his responsibility, but the responsibility of the world.

However, Ye Rumu doesn't have such a big heart!

What is the responsibility of the world, she just needs to protect the person she wants to protect!
(End of this chapter)

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