Chapter 270 Martial Arts Conference 31
She doesn't have that much power, nor does she have that obligation.

But she couldn't say nothing, Ye Rumu said: "Master Jun, why don't you ask everyone here for their opinions? After all, the regent is not omnipotent."

But there is always someone who can treat him as a god.

How can anyone be so powerful as a god? It's just people's touting.

Jun Moli took a deep look at Ye Rumu and said, "Okay."

"Everyone present here has also heard what Pavilion Master Yuexuan said. If you have any good opinions, please speak up."

This is also giving everyone the right to speak.

After all, it's not just about one person!
There were thousands of people present, therefore, when Jun Moli said this, all kinds of opinions and practices were expressed.

Needless to say, there are a few that really work.

Ye Rumu took a look at the person she thought was useful, and squinted his eyes. With such clothes, he looked like a disciple of a certain sect. He was not a managerial figure at all, but he was so talented.

Ye Rumu Neng noticed, and so did Baili Yao and Jun Moli.

Jun Moli secretly remembered it in his heart.

Jun Moli looked at Ye Rumu's face and stared slightly. If Ye Rumu hadn't stopped him just now, he wouldn't have let Baili Yao go so quickly. It's a pity, this opportunity.

In fact, he also wanted to see how powerful Baili Yao was, but unfortunately, he didn't have this opportunity.

Forget it, there will always be opportunities. The most important thing now is not this, but the immediate problem.

Everyone was talking, and a disagreement arose.

It started to quarrel.

Jun Moli had expected such a scene a long time ago. After all, the answers are all varied, and no one will be convinced!This is something that has long been expected!
"Quiet!" Jun Moli still sat on the top seat and spoke with his lips slightly open.

But his voice can spread throughout the entire Wuya Peak.

Obviously, internal force was used!
Moreover, the internal force that can spread throughout Wuya Peak is quite powerful!
Now, while the master shut up, he showed even more admiration for Jun Moli.

Not everyone has such ability!

Seeing that the scene had quieted down, Jun Moli said, "The head of this sect has listened to everyone's opinions just now, and I think some of them are very good."

"The first is to prevent the Poisonous Wolf Church from attacking our rear when we go to the stronghold of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, but I believe that before everyone came out, there were people left to watch in their lairs, so this is a reminder .”

"Second, each group is divided into 30 people, and every three groups of people go to a stronghold. The head of the sect has roughly checked the number of people, and I believe it is enough."

"What's more, capable people should protect the members of their own group and prevent them from dying. Therefore, one or two people with high martial arts skills should be arranged in each group."

There are not many people with high martial arts skills, and it is not bad to have one or two in a group.

Everyone knew this, so they didn't object to what Jun Moli said.

"Also, the Poisonous Wolf Sect doesn't necessarily wait for us to come to our door, maybe they are already approaching us. This sect mainly tells your people, if the Poisonous Wolf Sect really comes later, don't panic, treat them well To poison the wolf sect, give us Xuanhong a piece of peace!"

What Jun Moli said, although it looks simple, is very practical.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, do you have any medicine to supplement?" Jun Moli asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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