Chapter 287 Falling into the Dwarves 7
That's why Ye Rumu asked Baili Yao to go away.

"Is there any danger?" Baili Yao's first concern was this, after all, Ye Rumu was in the formation!

"Don't worry, this formation is the most familiar to me, and I can untie it with my eyes closed." This is not her bragging. In her previous life, she learned most of this series of formations. Looking at a series of formations, they are all different. , but figured it out again.

Baili Yao didn't say anything, but chose to trust Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu took a deep breath, and began to walk carefully according to the steps of the formation.

Although it is very familiar, but the eyes of this body are not good...

Ye Rumu knew that this was night blindness, but it wasn't so bad that he couldn't see clearly.

"Wow——clank——" First there was a sound of "wow," followed by the sound of "clank."

Baili Yao was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to go forward to protect Ye Rumu, but Ye Rumu noticed Baili Yao and quickly shouted: "Don't come over!"

The formation is opening, and Baili Yao will not only be unable to enter, but will also be hurt by the formation.

Baili Yao frowned and wanted to go in, but seeing that Ye Rumu seemed to have nothing to do, he finally stopped where he was, and wanted to wait a while to see the situation.

Baili Yao was outside, and could no longer see Ye Rumu's actions inside the formation.

After Ye Rumu was surrounded by the formation, rows of words appeared on the ground. After reading them one by one, Ye Rumu probably meant to talk about the experience of the time traveler, but there was nothing about the identity he left behind. The explanation made Ye Rumu even more curious, who is that person?
Finally, a row of words appeared, which read:

I have a destiny with the dwarves, if you can understand the words I left behind and solve the formation I left behind, then you are destined to be with me, and I should help you.

The dwarves and the human race are still deadly enemies, but I accidentally saved the whole dwarf family. As long as you take the half map I left to find the dwarves, they will help you leave.

You must be wondering why I emphasize the map over and over again, right?There are two parts of the map. I have already scattered them. Here is one part. You just need to find the other part and piece it together to find the space-time machine I left behind. Then you can leave this world and return to your original world. How about it?Sao Nian, are you excited?

Well, let's go.

At this point, the words disappeared.

Saved the entire dwarf must hug this thigh!And hold it tight!
Afterwards, the array news, half a map appeared on the ground.

Ye Rumu picked it up, pursed his lips, and the place with words on the stone wall was actually in the shape of a map!
Ye Rumu took it and pressed it against the stone wall. There was a loud bang, and the stone wall opened from both sides!
The dazzling light from outside came in, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu squinted their eyes unaccustomed, and after they got used to it, they opened their eyes and looked over, the opposite was actually full of sand!

The word desert instantly formed in Ye Rumu's mind.

However, Baili Yao didn't understand.

Because there is no desert in Xuanhong Continent at all!
"This is sand? What is this place?"

Just as Ye Rumu was thinking that Baili Yao wouldn't understand, Baili Yao asked suspiciously.

Baili Yao has never seen a place where it is all sand and there is not even an inch of life.

"This is called a desert." Ye Rumu explained.

"Huh?" Baili Yao raised his eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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