Chapter 288 Falling into the Dwarves 8
"The so-called desert means that there is no grass for thousands of miles. In the desert, people will lose their way. Without water and food, they will be trapped in the desert. But there is also an inch of life in the desert, that is, the oasis in the desert. When we find the oasis, we can It is possible to survive." Ye Rumu couldn't help but become more dignified.

How could it be a desert!What about the dwarves!
Could it be that the dwarves live here?
In fact, it seems possible, as long as you find an oasis, you won't have any problems living here for a long time.

"There is such a place, my husband has never heard of it."

Of course you haven't heard of it... Ye Rumu complained.

Because when Ye Rumu came, he had already seen the map of Xuanhong Continent. Except for the four countries, the surrounding area was vast ocean!There is no mention of the word desert at all!
However, even if it is not called a desert, there is not even a large area of ​​sandy land.

"To go or not to go." This has become a tangled question.

It's such a big area that you can't see the end at a glance, and it's only ghostly if you can go out.

The food and water on their bodies were all for the purpose of resisting the Poisonous Wolf Sect, and they brought them on their bodies for fear of endless fights, and now there are not many of them.

"There is no choice." Baili Yao said straight away.

Staying here is death, go, maybe it won't be so miserable!

"You can look for the desert oasis you mentioned first." Baili Yao said, remembering that Ye Rumu said that finding the desert oasis would still have a chance of survival.

The corners of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched a little. If the desert oasis were so easy to find, there wouldn't be so many people who would never leave the desert for the rest of their lives.

However, that is a hope anyway, isn't it?It's better than eating here and waiting to die.

Oh...not yet.

"Okay, let's go." Ye Rumu agreed.

Having just been trapped in the secret road, now trapped in the desert, Ye Rumu felt a sense of melancholy.

What fate, what luck!

Dare to cheat a little more!
Speaking of which, this was Ye Rumu's first time going into the desert.

As an agent, she is either on missions or accepting missions all day long.

No time to come to a place like the desert to see...

Desert Oasis?Well, I've seen it in books, but I don't know if it's reliable or not.

The two of them could only walk on the desert while paying attention to where the dwarves or oases were.

After walking for a whole day and finding nothing, not even a bird feather, Baili Yao asked: "Lady, what else do you know about the desert, tell me more for your husband."

Ye Rumu: "...It's gone."

Even the half-knowledge is from books, so how could it be possible to understand too much.

"Well, let's go to the dwarves or the desert oasis first." Baili Yao nodded without changing his expression.

Thinking that Baili Yao hadn't told Baili Yao about the matter in the formation, and Bai Liyao didn't intend to ask, Ye Rumu took the initiative to tell Baili Yao what happened in the formation.

After hearing this, Baili Yao asked, "Can you show me the map?"

Hearing that it was half a sheet, Baili Yao became interested.

Ye Rumu handed the general map on his body to Baili Yao without any hesitation.

Baili Yao took it, and after a few clues, he found that the map was almost exactly the same as the one he owned!
Except the route is different.

"Miss, is this map you got in the formation just now?" Baili Yao took the map and handed it to Ye Rumu.

(End of this chapter)

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