Chapter 289 Falling into the Dwarves 9
Ye Rumu replied, "Yes."

Then he took the map and saw that Baili Yao was contemplating, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"My lady, my husband owns half of this map." Baili Yao didn't hide from Ye Rumu, and revealed that he owns the other half of the map.

Ye Rumu was surprised. The senior time traveler said that she divided this map into two and scattered it in different places. She never thought that the other one would be on Baili Yao's body!
The map is the key to returning to the 21st century!
It's just that it doesn't matter to Ye Rumu if he can't go back to the 21st century now. Maybe he thought about it before, after changing his body, he can go back and have a look, so that he doesn't have to linger as an agent anymore, but later he also knew that this It was an unrealistic dream, so I never thought about it, especially after Ye Xiaoye was born.

And now, there is an opportunity in front of her to return to the 21st century!
Ye Rumu's eyes flickered slightly, and she suddenly asked: "Baili Yao, if I am not from this world, but come from another time and space, I have never left before because I have no chance, now I have the opportunity to leave , if I leave here, will you leave with me?"

This question was asked without thinking, but Ye Rumu just wanted to ask it, or in other words, she still wanted to go back to modern times to find her biological parents and take a look at them in person. It was her hard work and persistence. With so many years of goals, how could it be possible to just give up and give up!

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu deeply, not knowing what he was thinking, when Ye Rumu was about to give up listening to the answer and interrupt the somewhat weird atmosphere, Baili Yao spoke.

"Now in this world, the only people I can miss are you and my son. If you are not here anymore, what's the point of me staying?"

Ye Rumu's heart trembled slightly, what did Baili Yao mean, no matter where she went, would he follow her?
"Thank you." Ye Rumu Yang smiled.

"Miss, how many times have I told you that there is no need to say thank you between husband and wife." Baili Yao taught with a serious face on purpose.

Ye Rumu smiled lightly, but didn't answer.

Baili Yao lowered his head and looked at Ye Rumu, who was a head shorter than him. He didn't know what Ye Rumu's words meant just now, and he didn't know if she knew something in that formation, but He won't ask, and when she wants to know, she will naturally tell him.

Ye Rumu felt that since Baili Yao didn't mind, what else was she doing hiding!
Walking on the desert with no one at this time, I took this opportunity to say the best.

"Baili Yao, tell you a story, do you want to listen?"

Ye Rumu felt that it was better to tell Baili Yao from the perspective of other people's stories.

Ye Rumu didn't wait for Baili Yao's answer, he walked a few steps faster, walked in front of Baili Yao, and said: "In the world, there are not only people living in Xuanhong Continent, but there may be many unknown people. There are the same human beings in different places, or, in many different time and space, people with completely different habits live.

And she lives in an era called Earth, the 21st century. In that place, people live in high-rise buildings, drive cars, and dress completely differently from those on Xuanhong mainland.

She is an orphan and has no parents since she was a child. She doesn't know who her parents are, she only knows that she has been abandoned, and she has no relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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