Chapter 420 Crisis 37
Ye Xiaoye protested dissatisfied, "You will not be able to find your daughter-in-law like this! Even if you find it, you will not like you!"

Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye coolly, and asked back: "Why does your wife like me? Are you afraid that I will snatch it away, leaving you without a wife?"

Ye Xiaoye was stunned for a moment, thinking it made sense, but then, Ye Xiaoye said: "It's okay, anyway, I don't only have one woman."

Ye Xiaoye spread his hands indifferently, as if he didn't care much.

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, hehe sneered and said, "Stay!"

Qingxue's eyelids twitched, and she quickly dragged Ye Xiaoye away. If this continues, Qingxue is really worried that Ye Xiaoye will be beaten...

Seeing Ye Xiaoye leave, Ye Rumu let out a breath, looked at Baili Yao with curled lips, and said angrily, "Look at your son!"

"Don't be angry, lady, it's okay if you get angry! Let's leave him alone for whatever he likes to do, okay?" Baili Yao got up quickly and comforted him.

Listening to Baili Yao's tone of coaxing the children, Ye Rumu immediately became confused...

The next day, Ye Xiaoye just woke up, quickly dressed and washed, ate the breakfast brought to him, and squatted directly at the door of the room.

Pushing open a small gap in the door, Ye Xiaoye looked outside and saw Qing Jue guarding outside her door, her eyes widened in shock!
Why is Uncle Qingjue here?

But since it is Qingjue, Ye Xiaoye is not afraid!

Ye Xiaoye laughed twice, waved at Qingjue, and whispered, "Uncle Qingjue! Come here!"

Qing Jue turned to look at Ye Xiaoye's treacherously smiling face, and resolutely ignored him.

With a sullen face, Ye Xiaoye muttered, "Why are you ignoring me..."

Qing Jue still ignored.

Ye Xiaoye was completely depressed, and said sadly: "Girl! I am the one who is sorry for you! I agreed to see you today and marry you when I grow up, but I can't make my own decisions! Sigh... I am sorry for you!"

Ye Xiaoye stared at Qing Jue's face while talking, but Qing Jue was completely unmoved.

"Hey, we got it right the first time we met. You said that I am a good person and you want to marry me when you grow up, but I... I am not a good person, and I have broken my promise to you. What will happen to me in the future? Be human! Oh my God!" Ye Xiaoye deliberately pushed open the door, sat cross-legged on the ground, patted her thigh with one hand, and howled.

Qing Jue took a look at Ye Xiaoye this time, when Ye Xiaoye was concentrating on thinking that Qing Jue was going to let him go, Qing Jue said indifferently but caringly: "The ground is cool."

Ye Xiaoye directly petrified...

Woooooo...can't you sympathize with him?Let him break his promise, but Niu'er will marry someone else!
Seeing Ye Xiaoye's loveless expression, Qing Jue couldn't bear it, "Don't be sad, she won't marry you anyway."

Ye Xiaoye: "..."

"Wuuuuuuu... don't want to live anymore!" Ye Xiaoye cried, but didn't move at all, just waiting for Qing Jue to comfort him.

Qing Jue pursed his lips, looked at Ye Xiaoye quietly, his face was calm, and said lightly: "You should live, if you die, you will have no money and no girls."

Ye Xiaoye's crying stopped abruptly. After crying for so long, her eyes were not moist at all!

"Okay, you're right." Ye Xiaoye tilted his head and thought about it.

After being stunned for a while, I realized that I was just pretending!What a treat!

(End of this chapter)

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