Chapter 421 Crisis 38
Woooooo... This time, Ye Xiaoye really cried.

Threatening this one failed, Ye Xiaoye lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Qing Jue couldn't stand it anymore, walked over, picked Ye Xiaoye up, and was about to put her on the bed.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xiaoye suddenly opened his eyes, hugged Qingjue's neck tightly, and said coquettishly, "I want you to hug me!"

Qing Jue glanced at Ye Xiaoye, but said nothing.

Ye Xiaoye's eyes rolled around, thinking about how to escape.

Laying in Qingjue's arms for a while, Ye Xiaoye asked: "Uncle Qingjue, are you tired?"

Qing Jue looked at him indifferently, and replied: "I'm not tired."

"Oh, then you can continue to hug." Ye Xiaoye was hanging on Qing Jue's body. After so long, Qing Jue didn't feel strange at all?

It doesn't make sense, is it because I lost weight?
Ye Xiaoye frowned and thought.

After a while, Ye Xiaoye asked: "Uncle Qingjue, do you want to go to the latrine? You have been standing for so long, should you go to the latrine?"

"Well, together." Qing Jue said and walked towards the hut.

Ye Xiaoye quickly shouted: "Uncle Qingjue! I won't go! You let me down, but I won't go! Just go!"

Qing Jue looked down at the struggling Ye Xiaoye, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't want to go?"

"I don't... want to..." Ye Xiaoye said weakly.

I haven't left the room all morning... How could I not want to...

In the end, Ye Xiaoye could only compromise.

After returning from the latrine, Ye Xiaoye and Qing Jue sat side by side at the door of the room, Ye Xiaoye supported his head with one hand, and poked the ground with the other hand, as if it was Qing Jue.

"You want to poke me?" Qing Jue asked lightly after seeing Ye Xiaoye's little movement.

"!" After Ye Xiaoye blurted out, luckily he was able to correct it in time...

"Uncle Qingjue, I'm really going to see Niu'er, that's the person I want to marry in the future! Why don't you follow me? You can also protect us, can't you? Uncle Qingjue!" Jue's body was acting coquettishly.

Qing Jue frowned, "This is already the No. 30 people you told me to marry. Who do you want to marry? Or how many?"

Ye Xiaoye suddenly raised his head, and asked in disbelief, "It's only thirty? I thought it was a lot, so it's not that many."

Ye Xiaoye counted with his fingers.

"I want to marry ten to serve my mother, twenty to serve my grandfather, and thirty to take care of me!" Ye Xiaoye counted.

Qing Jue turned her face away, not looking at Ye Xiaoye's serious gossip.

Finally, Ye Xiaoye concluded: "So this girl can't give up! Uncle Qingjue, take me there!"

In the end, Qing Jue was so annoyed that he couldn't stand it, so he stood up straight away and wanted to leave.

Ye Xiaoye was delighted, she was finally leaving!

Then you can go find Niuer yourself!
Qing Jue stopped, "Aren't you going to follow?"

"Ah? Oh!" Ye Xiaoye followed in a daze, not knowing where Qingjue was going to take him.

After leaving the door of Ye Mansion, Ye Xiaoye finally understood!

It turned out that Uncle Qingjue couldn't bear it, so he took him to see Niu'er!
After Qing Jue and Ye Xiaoye went out, two people walked out of the already empty courtyard.

Ye Rumu folded his arms around his chest, raised his eyebrows and watched them leave, and said, "My lord, I knew Qing was unreliable, and we still need to follow."

"Are you sure you don't want to see what the so-called daughter-in-law looks like?"

(End of this chapter)

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