Chapter 432 Conspiracy 9
When Mrs. Zhang spoke, there was still pride on her face.

At the beginning, the Ye family was the richest man in Dongxing country. At that time, the old lady of the Ye family suddenly came to the door and asked her if she would like to marry into the Ye family as a concubine.

Ye Family!That's the Ye family!

Mrs. Zhang agreed without even thinking about it. Afterwards, the old lady of the Ye family gave Mrs. Zhang's natal family a good sum of money.

In fact, Mrs. Zhang knew that the old lady of the Ye family didn't look for the girls from the big families because those girls were not easy to serve, and there were too many twists and turns in her mind. She was afraid that she couldn't handle it, so she simply looked for a few girls from ordinary people, anyway. Even if you are a concubine, you don't care about your background.

After Mrs. Zhang found out, she kept doing what the old lady of the Ye family liked, put away all petty tempers, and even if she had a temper, she could only go back to her own yard to vent it!

Don't let others know, if this gets to the old lady's ears, it will be too much to eat!

It's just such a difficult life, but fortunately Ye Rumu's mother is too stupid, so life is very easy except for the old lady.

In the end, he thought that he had opened branches and leaves for the Ye family, and he was already the serious master of the Ye family, but so what?I am still a concubine!
Mrs. Zhang refused to accept it and didn't think she was worse than Ye Rumu's mother, so she planned to kill Ye Rumu's mother in order to take the position of wife.

who knows!Who knew that after so many years, the old lady of the Ye family didn't regard her as a member of the family at all!
Ye Wensheng didn't intend to straighten her up, and the old lady even ignored her!
Mrs. Zhang is so angry. Fortunately, Ye Wensheng gave her the right to be a housekeeper, but now, the right to be a housekeeper has also been lost, and her own daughter is also living in such a bad way. Mrs. Zhang sighed, why is all this!

"At that time, my mother was not married to an old man or a poor man. She was already very satisfied, but people's hearts have never been satisfied. The reason why my mother has fallen into today's end is because she is too dissatisfied! And Ye That bitch Rumu is causing trouble!" Speaking of Ye Rumu, Mrs. Zhang gritted her teeth with hatred, wishing she could strangle Ye Rumu to death right away.

In fact, a large part of the reason why Ye Wensheng didn't straighten her up was because of Ye Rumu!

If there is no Ye Rumu, Ye Wensheng will either marry Xu Xian, or help anyone in the mansion!

It's just that Ye Rumu didn't die no matter what he did, which made Mrs. Zhang even more angry!

"Mother, is there anything else I can do? Tell me together, if it doesn't work, I think the tonic is pretty good!" Ye Ruping asked anxiously, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Ye Rumeng also looked up at Mrs. Zhang, what could be the last thing to say?
In fact, it is all false to say that there is no rush, Ye Rumeng is just a person.

"To conceive a child, no matter who it is, what method is used." Zhang's words shocked the world, making Ye Ruping and Ye Rumeng's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Mother, what are you talking about!" Ye Rumeng looked around and saw that all the maids had gone out, so she felt relieved. How else would they behave?

"Mother is not talking nonsense. This is a solution. Whether you want to do it or not is up to you!"
(End of this chapter)

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