Chapter 433 Conspiracy 10
After successfully gaining a firm position, do you still care whose blood the child is from?

Anyway, aren't they all their children?

"Ping'er, Meng'er, according to your husband's situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to be mothers in this life. What a cruel thing. Children are the means to gain a firm foothold in your husband's house. It depends on how you choose. It's yours, mother won't force you!" Mrs. Zhang sighed and said helplessly.

"Mother, we'll think about it." In fact, Ye Ruping had already been moved. She didn't tell Mrs. Zhang, but she had already had sex with another man.My husband hasn't been to my room for a year, and of course, he hasn't been to any wives' rooms either. His wives and concubines are all guessing whether he is dying, Ye Ruping thinks it is very likely!

Since this is the case, how can I waste my time in vain?

However, if you really want to do that, you must let that bad old man come to your room...

Ye Ruping never traded at a loss, so, in fact, she didn't tell her that this matter was not difficult at all.

But Ye Rumeng didn't have such thoughts, she lowered her head slightly and didn't speak.

"Meng'er, what do you think?" Seeing Ye Ruping's expression, Mrs. Zhang knew that Ye Ruping was moved, so she asked Ye Rumeng.

"Mother, let me let nature take its course. If it really doesn't work, I'll ask you for help." Ye Ru thought for a while and replied.

It was actually impossible for her to do that kind of thing, so Ye Rumeng chose to refuse.

Ye Ruping won't think so much, if it's good for her, then do it!

Where do you need to find a man, hehe, isn't there one in Ye Mansion now?

Ye Ruping smiled proudly. If she succeeds, she might be able to marry into the palace. If Baili Yao doesn't want this child, then it's okay to take the child at the old man's house and occupy the old man's property. When he grows up, let him find Baili Yao again!

Ye Ruping thought about everything happily.

"Okay, Meng'er, your situation is much better than Ping'er, and you are very pleased that you can choose to be your mother." Mrs. Zhang took Ye Rumeng's hand, patted the back of her hand, and said softly.

"Yeah." Ye Rumeng nodded.

"Mother has to go to the old lady to find out what's going on, Ping'er, Meng'er, do you want to go with mother, or stay here and wait for news from mother?" Mrs. Zhang asked.

Ever since Ye Rumu came back, the old lady of the Ye family hasn't moved at all, isn't that unreasonable?

The old lady always thought that she didn't like Ye Rumu, until what happened five years ago, she didn't even give Ye Rumu a chance to explain, so she went directly to Tianhe City and stayed for such a long time. Once, it was also not welcome, come there is no sound at all?

"Mother, I'll go with you, just to say hello to the old lady." Ye Ruping said.

"I won't go, mother, sister, I want to rest here." Ye Rumeng stood up, lowered her head slightly and said to Ye Ruping and Zhang Shi, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Okay, it's fine if you stay here, mother will go with your sister." Madam Zhang stretched out her hand to hold Ye Rumeng's hand distressedly, and said softly.

Zhang Shi and Ye Ruping went out, Ye Ruping curled her lips, and said dissatisfied: "Mother, this old lady is our grandmother, but she doesn't let us call her grandmother, why is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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