Chapter 434 Conspiracy 11
Mrs. Zhang sighed, stretched out her finger and tapped Ye Ruping's forehead, and said helplessly, "Is there any need to talk about it? Of course you are concubines!"

"Hmph, so what if you are a concubine? Doesn't Ye Rumu also want to be called grandmother?" Ye Ruping disdains, even Ye Rumu doesn't have this kind of treatment, right?

That's no different from them, it's just that in the eyes of outsiders, their identities are different.

Thinking that Ye Rumu, a legitimate daughter, can live like this, Ye Ruping is especially disdainful.

"That's all because the old lady doesn't like Ye Rumu." Mrs. Zhang smiled disdainfully. The old lady didn't like Ye Rumu's mother before.

"Why?" Ye Ruping asked inexplicably, she had never cared about these issues before, and she thought she missed a lot.

"Because of Ye Rumu's mother, you know, Ye Rumu's mother was brought back by the master from outside. The old lady has always been dissatisfied. She thinks it's fine to be a concubine regardless of her background. The first wife must be a lady. But Ye Rumu How can my mother be a lady? I don’t even know where my mother’s family is! It’s just that the master insisted on making her his wife. For the sake of a woman, the master refused to listen to the old lady’s words for the first time, and even made the old lady angry. How could the old lady Happy? I had to blame Ye Rumu's mother. But my mother thinks that Ye Rumu's mother asked for it all! Wouldn't it be nice to be a concubine without status?" When Zhang said, she was very angry. Disdain, this is why she looks down on the relationship with Ye Rumu's mother, she thinks Ye Rumu's mother is not much better than her, why is she a real wife?

"So that's the case! That's too unfair!" Ye Ruping said after listening.

In the past, no one had mentioned the origin of Ye Rumu's mother, and Ye Ruping hadn't paid attention to it. Besides, the mistress died too early, and Ye Ruping was not very old at that time, and now she has no concept of Ye Rumu's mother. up.

"It's a good thing she's dead now, otherwise, mother, you'd have to suffer so much! You're superior to others even though you're from an ordinary background. How can you convince me?" Ye Ruping said angrily.

"Yeah, my mother thinks the same way, but what can I do? She is a regular wife!" The corners of Zhang's lips curled up ironically.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, anyway, people are already dead, what are we going to fight with a dead person? Go to the old lady first!" Zhang said.

The figures of Zhang Shi and Ye Ruping quickly disappeared around the corner. On the roof they just passed, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao sat side by side, listening to the two mother and daughter talking quietly.

After they walked away, Ye Rumu glanced sideways at Baili Yao beside him, "Do you dislike my humble background?"

Although he already knew the answer, but after hearing what Ye Ruping and Zhang said, Ye Rumu wanted to be hypocritical and listen to Baili Yao's words with his own ears.

Baili Yao turned his head, squinted at Ye Rumu, stretched out his hand to pinch Ye Rumu's face, and replied flatly: "My lady, you are naughty again."

Ye Rumu's head was full of black lines, he knocked off Baili Yao's hand, and said angrily, "Speak well! Don't move!"

Baili Yao suddenly approached Ye Rumu, and before Ye Rumu had time to react, he kissed Ye Rumu's red lips, "Well, he didn't move." He moved his mouth.

Ye Rumu: "..."

Ye Rumu tilted his head and stopped looking at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao chuckled, and possessed herself beside Ye Rumu,
(End of this chapter)

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