Chapter 448 Conspiracy 25
Now it seems that everything he did before was correct. If he had too much contact with Chunyu's family, it would not end well.

It will also waste a lot of human and financial resources.

After all, if it is discovered that the two parties who are cooperating are actually enemies, then the cooperation must be abolished.

Ye Rumu stood aside and watched Baili Yao and Hei Ji's fight, the master's fight was so fast that ordinary people couldn't see it clearly with the naked eye. Weaker than Baili Yao!
But seeing Baili Yao's relaxed expression and not being threatened at all, Ye Rumu put away the worries in his heart again. Baili Yao is so calm, he must be sure, don't worry about him.

"Qing, clang, clang..." With the mournful sound of weapons colliding, Baili Yao and Hei Ji pushed back violently.

Baili Yao retreated to Ye Rumu's side, stopped, and frowned, this woman is really powerful.

Baili Yao was able to land smoothly, but Hei Ji was not so lucky.

Because of the excessive force, Hei Ji stepped back several steps at once, and directly hit the wall behind her, making a loud noise.

"Boom!" With a bang, Hei Ji fell to the ground without moving.

Hei Ji fell down, but none of the people brought by Hei Ji showed up, which made Ye Rumu and Baili Yao wonder, Hei Ji was like this, and no one showed up yet?
Although Hei Ji hadn't moved, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu wouldn't just think that Hei Ji was hit, so they stood there without moving.

How is Hei Ji's current situation? Baili Yao, who made the shot, knows best. According to Hei Ji's skill, it is impossible for Bai Liyao to make Hei Ji faint or die directly.

"How is she?" Ye Rumu asked with raised eyebrows.

It was too far away, and it was night, and it was impossible to see clearly.

"According to her skill, this is not enough to cause her any harm. It's probably just pretending." Baili Yao said, looking at Hei Ji who was still lying dead on the ground.

Ye Rumu's brows were frivolous, and he also glanced at Hei Ji, but didn't speak.

"There's such a big commotion here, people will come soon." Baili Yao was a little helpless. He brought Ye Rumu here because there was no one here, who knew he would be popped up suddenly people are broken.

"Well, it'll be here soon." Ye Rumu just dropped a signal and popped it out, and I believe he will arrive soon.

Waiting for them to find out, Ye Rumu felt that they were about to confess to being here, and he didn't know how many people came.

After the two stopped talking, the scene suddenly became silent, which was a bit strangely quiet.

I don't know how long it took, but Hei Ji didn't get up. The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, and he shouted, "It's almost over, right? It's time to get up."

As soon as Ye Rumu's voice fell, figures appeared behind Ye Rumu.

Hearing the movement, Ye Rumu knew that the people from Yuexuan Pavilion had come, smiled, and said to Hei Ji who was still pretending to be dead on the ground: "My people are here, why don't you get up? Don't you?" Wake up, I'm going back to sleep. It's not good to disturb people at night. We have a long memory, and we have a good temper. After you disturb our sleep, we just slap you to the wall and put someone else But you don’t have such good luck, you know? Learn more!.”

Hei Ji's face in the dark instantly twisted, hearing Ye Rumu's words,

(End of this chapter)

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